10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

Learning history and recap exercises: A2.5

It is assumed the student knows the vocabulary and grammar as listed on this page before following the current lesson.

The following grammar list is supposed to be known to follow this lesson.

Imperativo afirmativo formal: <notrans> "usted" y "ustedes" </notrans> Formal affirmative imperative: "usted" y "ustedes" A2.4: En el aeropuerto y en el aire (At the airport and on air)
Imperativo afirmativo informal: <notrans> "tú" y "vosotros" </notrans> Affirmative Informal Imperative: "tú" y "vosotros" A2.3: Buscando alojamiento (Searching accomodation)
Verbos irregulares en el pretérito perfecto Irregular verbs in the present perfect A2.2: Empacar tu equipaje (Packing your luggage)
Preposiciones: desde y hasta Prepositions: from and until A2.1: Planes de vacaciones (Holiday plans)