"Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto) Share Copied!
Brief explanation of the grammatical topic "haber + participio" (el pretérito perfecto).
Gramática: "Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto)
A1 Spanish Present perfect
Level: A1
Module 6: La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)
Lesson 39: Pedir comida y salir a cenar (Ordering food and dining out)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- To form the pretérito perfecto, the verb "haber" is conjugated followed by the perfect participle.
- We use it for actions that have happened recently or that have occurred but still haven't finished.
- The participle of regular verbs is formed by adding the endings "-ado" (verbs in "-ar") or "-ido" (for verbs in "-er" and "-ir").
- The past participle is invariable. It is the same for all personal pronouns.
Persona | Conjugación de "haber" | Participio | Ejemplo |
Yo | he | tomado | He tomado una bebida en el bar. (I have had a drink at the bar.) |
Tú | has | Has tomado el menú en el restaurante. (You have taken the menu in the restaurant.) | |
Él/ella | ha | Ha tomado un plato en la pizzería. (Has taken a dish at the pizzeria.) | |
Nosotros/-as | hemos | Hemos tomado el postre en la cafetería. (We have had dessert in the café.) | |
Vosotros/-as | habéis | Habéis tomado un café en el restaurante. (You have had a coffee in the restaurant.) | |
Ellos/-as | han | Han tomado la bebida que les gustaba. (They have taken the drink they liked.) |
- Some participles are irregular. For example: "escribir - escrito, abrir - abierto, hacer - hecho, decir - dicho, ver- visto, romper - roto."
Exercise 1: "Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto)
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
hemos tomado, he tomado, han comido, ha comido, habéis tomado, han bebido, hemos bebido, has tomado
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
han comido
they have eaten
he tomado
I have had
hemos tomado
we have had
hemos bebido
we have drunk