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Spanish A1.33: Tableware


Spanish A1.33: Tableware

Learning goals:

  • Lista de utensilios de mesa (List of tableware)
  • Poner la mesa (Setting up the table)
  • Utensilios de cocina y vajilla (Kitchen utensils and tableware)
  • Preposiciones de lugar: "en, sobre, entre,..." (Prepositions of place: "en, sobre, entre,...")
  • El Encanto del Botijo (The Charm of the Botijo)

Learning module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (15)

 La olla: The pot (Spanish)

La olla está en la cocina, sobre la mesa.

(The pot is in the kitchen, on the table.)

La olla

(The pot)

 La sartén: The frying pan (Spanish)

La sartén está en la cocina.

(The frying pan is in the kitchen.)

La sartén

(The frying pan)

 La cuchara: The spoon (Spanish)

La cuchara está encima de la mesa.

(The spoon is on the table.)

La cuchara

(The spoon)

 El tenedor: The fork (Spanish)

El tenedor está limpio.

(The fork is clean.)

El tenedor

(The fork)

 El cuchillo: The knife (Spanish)

El cuchillo está en la mesa junto a los platos.

(The knife is on the table next to the plates.)

El cuchillo

(The knife)

 El plato: The plate (Spanish)

Solo tengo un plato.

(I only have one plate.)

El plato

(The plate)

 El vaso: The glass (Spanish)

Laura tiene un vaso en la mano.

(Laura has a glass in her hand.)

El vaso

(The glass)

 La taza: The cup (Spanish)

La taza está en la habitación.

(The cup is in the room.)

La taza

(The cup)

 La copa: The glass (Spanish)

Mira, te regalo esta copa.

(Look, I'll give you this glass.)

La copa

(The glass)

 El bol: The bowl (Spanish)

El bol es verde.

(The bowl is green.)

El bol

(The bowl)

 El mantel: The tablecloth (Spanish)

El mantel está en la mesa del comedor.

(The tablecloth is on the dining room table.)

El mantel

(The tablecloth)

 La servilleta: The napkin (Spanish)

¿Puedes darme una servilleta, por favor?

(Can you give me a serviette, please?)

La servilleta

(The napkin)

 Cortar (to cut) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo corto el pan.

(I cut the bread.)


(To cut)

 Fregar (to scrub) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nosotros fregamos los cuchillos juntos.

(We wash the knives together.)


(To scrub)

 La jarra: The jug (Spanish)

La jarra es muy bonita.

(The jug is very pretty.)

La jarra

(The jug)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A1.33.1 Set the table

Pedro y Ana preparan la mesa para la cena. Usan palabras simples relacionadas con utensilios de cocina y la preparación de la mesa.

(Pedro and Ana set the table for dinner. They use simple words related to kitchen utensils and table setting.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.33.2 Prepositions of place: "en, sobre, entre,..."

(Learn the basic prepositions of place in this lesson using dishware vocabulary.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.33.3 A Special Breakfast

Sigue a Eva mientras prepara un desayuno especial para su familia, usando varios utensilios y organizando la mesa.

(Follow Eva as she prepares a special breakfast for her family, using various utensils and setting the table.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.33.4 The Charm of the Botijo

Descubre el botijo, una vajilla típica de España. Aprende sobre su uso y decoración.

(Discover the botijo, a typical Spanish crockery. Learn about its use and decoration.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


To cut , The cup , The spoon , The jug , The frying pan , The plate

e x m l a t a z a u g j b i v l a s a r t é n s r u t q o e l p l a t o n p q v r x l a j a r r a e a l x v i c o r t a r m w d r w k l a c u c h a r a s k y


Score: 0/6

La sartén (The frying pan)
La cuchara (The spoon)
El plato (The plate)
Cortar (To cut)
La taza (The cup)
La jarra (The jug)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. cansados. | estén | todo | Ellos | friegan | aunque
Ellos friegan todo aunque estén cansados.
(They wash everything even if they are tired.)
2. papel. | Él | corta | el
Él corta el papel.
(He cuts the paper.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. Ellos friegan todo aunque estén cansados.
They wash everything even if they are tired.
2. Él corta el papel.
He cuts the paper.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. La sartén
(The frying pan)
2. El plato
(The plate)
3. La copa
(The glass)
4. El cuchillo
(The knife)
5. La cuchara
(The spoon)

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Cortar (Presente, indicativo), Fregar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Él ... la cuchara rápidamente.

Él friega la cuchara rápidamente.
(He scrubs the spoon quickly.)

2. Vosotros ... el queso.

Vosotros cortáis el queso.
(You all cut the cheese.)

3. Nosotros ... los cuchillos juntos.

Nosotros fregamos los cuchillos juntos.
(We scrub the knives together.)

4. Ellos ... todo aunque estén cansados.

Ellos friegan todo aunque estén cansados.
(They wash everything even if they are tired.)

5. Yo ... los platos todos los días.

Yo friego los platos todos los días.
(I wash the dishes every day.)

Exercise 6: Prepositions of place: "en, sobre, entre,..."

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

al lado del, encima de la, a la derecha de las, delante de los, sobre, entre

1. Las ollas están ... sarténes.

Las ollas están a la derecha de las sarténes.
(The pots are to the right of the frying pans.)

2. El plato está ... el tenedor y el cuchillo.

El plato está entre el tenedor y el cuchillo.
(The plate is between the fork and the knife.)

3. El cuchillo está ... tenedor.

El cuchillo está al lado del tenedor.
(The knife is next to the fork.)

4. Las servilletas están ... platos.

Las servilletas están delante de los platos.
(The napkins are in front of the plates.)

5. Pongo el mantel ... la mesa.

Pongo el mantel sobre la mesa.
(I put the tablecloth on the table.)

6. Los vasos están ... mesa.

Los vasos están encima de la mesa.
(The glasses are on the table.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. They wash everything even if they are tired.
Ellos friegan todo aunque estén cansados.
2. He cuts the paper.
Él corta el papel.

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Conecta la vajilla con su uso. (Connect the tableware with what it's used for.)

Example phrases:

  1. Un plato se usa para comer un sándwich. (A plate is used to eat a sandwich.)
  2. ...

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (15): Verbs: 2, Nouns: 13,
Context vocabulary: 14

Spanish English
A la derecha de las To the right of the
Al lado del Next to the
Barro Clay
Boles Bowls
Botijo Water jug
Cortar To cut
Cucharas Spoons
Delante de los In front of the
El bol The bowl
El cuchillo The knife
El mantel The tablecloth
El plato The plate
El tenedor The fork
El vaso The glass
Encima de la On the
Entre Between
Fregar Wash up
Friega Washes up
La copa The glass
La cuchara The spoon
La jarra The jug
La olla The pot
La sartén The frying pan
La servilleta The napkin
La taza The cup
Platos Dishes
Servilletas Napkins
Sobre On
Vasos Glasses

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Fregar (to scrub)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo friego I scrub
  • tú friegas You scrub
  • él/ella friega he scrubs
  • nosotros/nosotras fregamos We scrub
  • vosotros/vosotras fregáis You (all) scrub
  • ellos/ellas friegan They scrub

Cortar (to cut)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo corto I cut
  • tú cortas You cut
  • él/ella corta he cuts
  • nosotros/nosotras cortamos we cut
  • vosotros/vosotras cortáis you cut
  • ellos/ellas cortan They cut

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Cortar (Presente, indicativo), Fregar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Él ... la cuchara rápidamente.

Él friega la cuchara rápidamente.
(He scrubs the spoon quickly.)

2. Vosotros ... el queso.

Vosotros cortáis el queso.
(You all cut the cheese.)

3. Nosotros ... los cuchillos juntos.

Nosotros fregamos los cuchillos juntos.
(We scrub the knives together.)

4. Ellos ... todo aunque estén cansados.

Ellos friegan todo aunque estén cansados.
(They wash everything even if they are tired.)

5. Yo ... los platos todos los días.

Yo friego los platos todos los días.
(I wash the dishes every day.)