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Spanish A1.34: Household appliances


Spanish A1.34: Household appliances

Learning goals:

  • Electrodomésticos (Household appliances)
  • Aparatos eléctricos (Electric applicances)
  • Los verbos irregulares en la primera persona del presente (The irregular verbs in the first person present tense)
  • La Mesa Camilla y El Brasero (La Mesa Camilla y El Brasero)

Learning module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (16)

 El microondas: The microwave (Spanish)

Tengo que calentar la comida en el microondas.

(I have to heat the food in the microwave.)

El microondas

(The microwave)

 El horno: The oven (Spanish)

Enciende el horno para calentar la comida.

(Turn on the oven to heat the food.)

El horno

(The oven)

 El lavaplatos: The dishwasher (Spanish)

Voy a poner los platos sucios en el lavaplatos.

(I am going to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.)

El lavaplatos

(The dishwasher)

 La lavadora: The washing machine (Spanish)

La lavadora está en la cocina.

(The washing machine is in the kitchen.)

La lavadora

(The washing machine)

 La secadora: The dryer (Spanish)

Yo pongo la ropa en la secadora.

(I put the clothes in the tumble dryer.)

La secadora

(The dryer)

 La aspiradora: The vacuum cleaner (Spanish)

Yo enciendo la aspiradora para limpiar el suelo.

(I turn on the hoover to clean the floor.)

La aspiradora

(The vacuum cleaner)

 La plancha: The iron (Spanish)

Yo siempre uso la plancha para mis camisas.

(I always use the iron for my shirts.)

La plancha

(The iron)

 El radiador: The radiator (Spanish)

Voy a encender el radiador porque hace frío en la habitación.

(I am going to turn on the radiator because it is cold in the room.)

El radiador

(The radiator)

 Encender (to turn on) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nosotros encendemos las luces del árbol de Navidad.

(We turn on the Christmas tree lights.)


(To turn on)

 Apagar (to turn off) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Vosotros apagáis la computadora después de usarla.

(You turn off the computer after using it.)


(To turn off)

 El frigorífico: The fridge (Spanish)

Yo pongo la leche en el frigorífico.

(I put the milk in the fridge.)

El frigorífico

(The fridge)

 Traer (to bring) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ella trae el pastel para el cumpleaños.

(She brings the cake for the birthday.)


(To bring)

 Calentar (to heat) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ellos calientan el vaso.

(They heat the glass.)


(To heat)

 Secar (to dry) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Vosotros secáis la sartén.

(You dry the frying pan.)


(To dry)

 Tender (to hang (up)) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Vosotros tendéis las cortinas.

(You hang the curtains.)


(To hang (up))

 Poner (to put) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo pongo los vasos en la mesa.

(I put the glasses on the table.)


(To put)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A1.34.1 A clean and tidy house!

Pedro y Ana hablan sobre los electrodomésticos mientras limpian y organizan la casa.

(Pedro and Ana talk about appliances while they clean and organise the house.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.34.2 The irregular verbs in the first person present tense

(Irregular verbs in the first person singular (yo) of the present tense in Spanish are those that change their usual form in 'I'.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.34.3 We are going shopping

Acompaña a Eva y su madre en su visita a una tienda de electrodomésticos mientras eligen los mejores para su casa.

(Join Eva and her mother on their visit to an appliance store as they choose the best ones for their home.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.34.4 La Mesa Camilla y El Brasero

Descubre la mesa camilla, un mueble único de España. Aprende sobre su uso y tradición.

(Discover the mesa camilla, a unique piece of furniture from Spain. Learn about its use and tradition.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


The vacuum cleaner , The dishwasher , To turn on , The fridge , To dry , The washing machine

e x m e l l a v a p l a t o s u g j b i v s e c a r s r u t q o l a l a v a d o r a n p q v r x e l f r i g o r í f i c o e a l x v i l a a s p i r a d o r a m w d r w k e n c e n d e r s k y


Score: 0/6

Secar (To dry)
La aspiradora (The vacuum cleaner)
Encender (To turn on)
El frigorífico (The fridge)
El lavaplatos (The dishwasher)
La lavadora (The washing machine)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. tendéis | las | cortinas. | Vosotros
Vosotros tendéis las cortinas.
(You hang the curtains.)
2. el televisor | después de | verlo. | Él apaga
Él apaga el televisor después de verlo.
(He turns off the television after watching it.)
3. enciendo | lámpara. | Yo | la
Yo enciendo la lámpara.
(I switch on the lamp.)
4. vaso. | el | Ellos | calientan
Ellos calientan el vaso.
(They heat the glass.)
5. cocina. | la sartén | en la | Tú pones
Tú pones la sartén en la cocina.
(You put the frying pan in the kitchen.)
6. escuela. | Ellos traen | sus mochilas | a la
Ellos traen sus mochilas a la escuela.
(They bring their backpacks to school.)
7. vasos. | los | secamos | Nosotros
Nosotros secamos los vasos.
(We dry the glasses.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. Vosotros tendéis las cortinas.
You hang the curtains.
2. Él apaga el televisor después de verlo.
He turns off the television after watching it.
3. Yo enciendo la lámpara.
I switch on the lamp.
4. Ellos calientan el vaso.
They heat the glass.
5. Tú pones la sartén en la cocina.
You put the frying pan in the kitchen.
6. Ellos traen sus mochilas a la escuela.
They bring their backpacks to school.
7. Nosotros secamos los vasos.
We dry the glasses.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. La aspiradora
(The vacuum cleaner)
2. Poner
(To put)
3. La plancha
(The iron)
4. El lavaplatos
(The dishwasher)
5. Secar
(To dry)

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Traer (Presente, indicativo), Poner (Presente, indicativo)

1. Nosotros ... los platos para comer.

Nosotros traemos los platos para comer.
(We bring the plates to eat.)

2. Vosotros ... las ollas encima de la estufa.

Vosotros ponéis las ollas encima de la estufa.
(You bring the pots on top of the cooker.)

3. Vosotros ... bebidas a la reunión.

Vosotros traéis bebidas a la reunión.
(You bring drinks to the meeting.)

4. Yo ... los vasos en la mesa.

Yo pongo los vasos en la mesa.
(I bring the glasses to the table.)

5. Tú ... los regalos que compraste.

Tú traes los regalos que compraste.
(You bring the gifts that you bought.)

Exercise 6: The irregular verbs in the first person present tense

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

hago, caliento, pongo, enciendo, traigo

1. Calentar: Yo ... el radiador porque tengo frío.

Calentar: Yo caliento el radiador porque tengo frío.
(To heat: I heat the radiator because I am cold.)

2. Encender: Yo ... la plancha para mi ropa.

Encender: Yo enciendo la plancha para mi ropa.
(To turn on: I turn on the iron for my clothes.)

3. Calentar: Yo ... el horno antes de poner la comida.

Calentar: Yo caliento el horno antes de poner la comida.
(To heat: I heat the oven before putting the food in.)

4. Traer: Yo ... la comida del microondas a la mesa para cenar.

Traer: Yo traigo la comida del microondas a la mesa para cenar.
(To bring: I bring the food from the microwave to the table for dinner.)

5. Hacer: Yo ... un pastel porque tengo hambre.

Hacer: Yo hago un pastel porque tengo hambre.
(To do/make: I make a cake because I am hungry.)

6. Encender: Yo ... el microondas para calentar la comida.

Encender: Yo enciendo el microondas para calentar la comida.
(To switch on: I switch on the microwave to heat the food.)

7. Poner: Yo ... el ventilador en el salón para tener aire.

Poner: Yo pongo el ventilador en el salón para tener aire.
(Put: I put the fan in the living room to have air.)

8. Traer: Yo ... la lavadora nueva a la cocina.

Traer: Yo traigo la lavadora nueva a la cocina.
(To bring: I bring the new washing machine to the kitchen.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. You put the frying pan in the kitchen.
Tú pones la sartén en la cocina.
2. They heat the glass.
Ellos calientan el vaso.
3. They bring their backpacks to school.
Ellos traen sus mochilas a la escuela.
4. He turns off the television after watching it.
Él apaga el televisor después de verlo.
5. I switch on the lamp.
Yo enciendo la lámpara.

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Nombra cada dispositivo y para qué se utiliza. (Name each device and what it is used for.)

Example phrases:

  1. La aspiradora se usa para limpiar. (The vacuum cleaner is used to clean.)
  2. ...

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (16): Verbs: 7, Nouns: 9,
Context vocabulary: 13

Spanish English
Apagar Turn off
Brasero Heater
Calentar To heat
Calor Warmth
Digo I say
Doy I give
El frigorífico The fridge
El horno The oven
El lavaplatos The dishwasher
El microondas The microwave
El radiador The radiator
Electrodomésticos Appliances
Encender To turn on
La aspiradora The vacuum cleaner
La lavadora The washing machine
La plancha The iron
La secadora The dryer
Mesa camilla Round table with a heating element
Poner To put
Ponerlas Put them
Pones Do you put
Radiadores Radiators
Se calientan They warm up
Secar Dry
Tender I must also hang the clothes out to dry.
Traemos We bring
Traer To bring
Traes Will you bring
Traigo I'll bring

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Traer (to bring)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo traigo I bring
  • tú traes you bring
  • él/ella trae he brings
  • nosotros/nosotras traemos We bring
  • vosotros/vosotras traéis you bring
  • ellos/ellas traen They bring

Poner (to put)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo pongo I put
  • tú pones you put
  • él/ella pone he/she puts
  • nosotros/nosotras ponemos we put
  • vosotros/vosotras ponéis you put
  • ellos/ellas ponen they put

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Traer (Presente, indicativo), Poner (Presente, indicativo)

1. Nosotros ... los platos para comer.

Nosotros traemos los platos para comer.
(We bring the plates to eat.)

2. Vosotros ... las ollas encima de la estufa.

Vosotros ponéis las ollas encima de la estufa.
(You bring the pots on top of the cooker.)

3. Vosotros ... bebidas a la reunión.

Vosotros traéis bebidas a la reunión.
(You bring drinks to the meeting.)

4. Yo ... los vasos en la mesa.

Yo pongo los vasos en la mesa.
(I bring the glasses to the table.)

5. Tú ... los regalos que compraste.

Tú traes los regalos que compraste.
(You bring the gifts that you bought.)