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Spanish A1.38: Everyday services

Servicios cotidianos

Spanish A1.38: Everyday services

Learning goals:

  • Hablar sobre los servicios cotidianos (Talk about everyday services)
  • Servicios básicos de la ciudad (Basic city services )
  • El participio como adjetivo y uso con "estar" (The participle as an adjective and usage with "estar")
  • La Biblioteca Nacional de España (The National Library of Spain)

Learning module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (17)

 El hospital: The hospital (Spanish)

El hospital está limpio.

(The hospital is clean.)

El hospital

(The hospital)

 Las urgencias: The emergencies (Spanish)

Tenemos que ir al hospital, ¡es una urgencia!

(We have to go to the hospital, it's an emergency!)

Las urgencias

(The emergencies)

 La farmacia: The pharmacy (Spanish)

La farmacia está abierta hoy.

(The pharmacy is open today.)

La farmacia

(The pharmacy)

 La escuela: The school (Spanish)

La escuela está cerrada hoy porque es un día festivo.

(The school is closed today because it is a holiday.)

La escuela

(The school)

 La oficina de correos: The post office (Spanish)

La oficina de correos está cerrada porque es domingo.

(The post office is closed because it is Sunday.)

La oficina de correos

(The post office)

 La gasolinera: The gas station (Spanish)

La gasolinera está cerrada hoy.

(The petrol station is closed today.)

La gasolinera

(The gas station)

 La comisaría: The police station (Spanish)

La comisaría siempre está abierta para emergencias.

(The police station is always open for emergencies.)

La comisaría

(The police station)

 La peluquería: The hairdresser's (Spanish)

La escuela está al lado de la peluquería.

(The school is next to the hairdresser's.)

La peluquería

(The hairdresser's)

 La biblioteca: The library (Spanish)


La biblioteca

(The library)

 La oficina: The office (Spanish)

La oficina está organizada.

(The office is organized.)

La oficina

(The office)

 La universidad: The university (Spanish)

La universidad está conectada con la biblioteca a través de un pasillo.

(The university is connected to the library through a hallway.)

La universidad

(The university)

 La panadería: The bakery (Spanish)

La panadería solo abre por las mañanas.

(The bakery is only open in the mornings.)

La panadería

(The bakery)

 El gimnasio: The gym (Spanish)

El gimnasio está cerrado hoy.

(The gym is closed today.)

El gimnasio

(The gym)

 La cafetería: The cafeteria (Spanish)

Laura trabaja en una cafetería.

(Laura works in a café.)

La cafetería

(The cafeteria)

 Usar (to use) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ellos usan ropa cómoda para pasear a la mascota.

(They wear comfortable clothes to walk the pet.)


(To use)

 Pasar (to pass) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo paso los vasos a la cocina.

(I take the glasses to the kitchen.)


(To pass)

 El banco: The bank (Spanish)

Está sentado en el banco esperando a su amigo.

(He is sitting in the bank waiting for his friend.)

El banco

(The bank)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A1.38.1 Services in the city: Open or closed?

Pedro y Ana hablan sobre servicios en la ciudad y adónde quieren ir.

(Pedro and Ana talk about services in the city and where they want to go.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.38.2 The participle as an adjective and usage with "estar"

(Participial adjectives are verb forms that are used as adjectives. They combine with the verb "estar" to describe temporary states or conditions.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.38.3 A Day in the City

Una historia simple sobre un día típico en la ciudad. ¿Qué servicios están abiertos o cerrados?

(A simple story about a typical day in the city. What services are open or closed?)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.38.4 The National Library of Spain

La Biblioteca Nacional de España en Madrid guarda libros y documentos históricos.

(The National Library of Spain in Madrid keeps books and historical documents.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


The office , The school , The gym , The university , To use , The hospital

e x m l a e s c u e l a u g j b i v u s a r s r u t q o e l h o s p i t a l n p q v r x l a u n i v e r s i d a d e a l x v i l a o f i c i n a m w d r w k e l g i m n a s i o s k y


Score: 0/6

El gimnasio (The gym)
El hospital (The hospital)
La escuela (The school)
La oficina (The office)
Usar (To use)
La universidad (The university)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. a la | mascota. | Ellos usan | ropa cómoda | para pasear
Ellos usan ropa cómoda para pasear a la mascota.
(They wear comfortable clothes to walk the pet.)
2. los vasos | Yo paso | cocina. | a la
Yo paso los vasos a la cocina.
(I take the glasses to the kitchen.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. Ellos usan ropa cómoda para pasear a la mascota.
They wear comfortable clothes to walk the pet.
2. Yo paso los vasos a la cocina.
I take the glasses to the kitchen.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. La farmacia
(The pharmacy)
2. El gimnasio
(The gym)
3. Usar
(To use)
4. Las urgencias
(The emergencies)
5. La panadería
(The bakery)

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Usar (Presente, indicativo), Pasar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Yo ... la computadora para trabajar.

Yo uso la computadora para trabajar.
(I use the computer to work.)

2. Vosotros ... los días cuidando a los animales.

Vosotros pasáis los días cuidando a los animales.
(You spend the days taking care of the animals.)

3. Ellos ... toda la mañana limpiando el cuarto.

Ellos pasan toda la mañana limpiando el cuarto.
(They spend the entire morning cleaning the room.)

4. Nosotros ... las servilletas en la mesa.

Nosotros usamos las servilletas en la mesa.
(We use the napkins on the table.)

5. Tú ... una cuchara para comer la sopa.

Tú usas una cuchara para comer la sopa.
(You use a spoon to eat the soup.)

Exercise 6: The participle as an adjective and usage with "estar"

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

preparadas, preparado, cerradas, abierta, vendido, organizada, cerrada, alquilada

1. Cerrar: Las escuelas están ....

Las escuelas están cerradas.
(The schools are closed.)

2. Organizar: La oficina de correos es ....

La oficina de correos es organizada.
(The post office is organized.)

3. Vender: El coche ... pasa por la gasolinera.

El coche vendido pasa por la gasolinera.
(The sold car goes past the petrol station.)

4. Preparar: El hospital está ... para emergencias.

El hospital está preparado para emergencias.
(The hospital is prepared for emergencies.)

5. Preparar: Las bibliotecas están ... para el nuevo semestre.

Las bibliotecas están preparadas para el nuevo semestre.
(The libraries are ready for the new semester.)

6. Alquilar: La oficina es ....

La oficina es alquilada.
(The office is rented.)

7. Abrir: La farmacia está ... hoy.

La farmacia está abierta hoy.
(The chemist's is open today.)

8. Cerrar: La gasolinera está ... por la noche.

La gasolinera está cerrada por la noche.
(The petrol station is closed at night.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. They wear comfortable clothes to walk the pet.
Ellos usan ropa cómoda para pasear a la mascota.
2. I take the glasses to the kitchen.
Yo paso los vasos a la cocina.

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. ¿Por qué edificios pasa Angelo de camino a su graduación universitaria? (What buildings does Angelo pass by on his way to his university graduation?)

Example phrases:

  1. Primero pasa por la gasolinera, luego... (First he passes by the gas station, then...)
  2. ...

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (17): Verbs: 2, Nouns: 15,
Context vocabulary: 8

Spanish English
Abierta Open
Bibliotecas Libraries
El banco The bank
El gimnasio The gym
El hospital The hospital
La biblioteca The library
La cafetería The cafeteria
La comisaría The police station
La escuela The school
La farmacia The pharmacy
La gasolinera The gas station
La oficina The office
La oficina de correos The post office
La panadería The bakery
La peluquería The hairdresser's
La universidad The university
Las urgencias The emergencies
Pasa He/she/it passes
Pasamos Shall we pass
Pasan They pass
Pasar To pass
Usa Uses
Usan They use
Usar To use
Uso I use

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Usar (to use)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo uso I use
  • tú usas you use
  • él/ella usa he/she uses
  • nosotros/nosotras usamos we use
  • vosotros/vosotras usáis you use
  • ellos/ellas usan They use

Pasar (to pass)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo paso I pass
  • tú pasas you pass
  • él/ella pasa he/she passes
  • nosotros/nosotras pasamos we pass
  • vosotros/vosotras pasáis you pass
  • ellos/ellas pasan They pass

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Usar (Presente, indicativo), Pasar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Yo ... la computadora para trabajar.

Yo uso la computadora para trabajar.
(I use the computer to work.)

2. Vosotros ... los días cuidando a los animales.

Vosotros pasáis los días cuidando a los animales.
(You spend the days taking care of the animals.)

3. Ellos ... toda la mañana limpiando el cuarto.

Ellos pasan toda la mañana limpiando el cuarto.
(They spend the entire morning cleaning the room.)

4. Nosotros ... las servilletas en la mesa.

Nosotros usamos las servilletas en la mesa.
(We use the napkins on the table.)

5. Tú ... una cuchara para comer la sopa.

Tú usas una cuchara para comer la sopa.
(You use a spoon to eat the soup.)