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Spanish A1.27: Shapes and forms

Formas y figuras

Spanish A1.27: Shapes and forms

Learning goals:

  • Describir formas y figuras. (Describe forms and shapes.)
  • Describe objetos básicos. (Describe basic objects.)
  • Los adjetivos demostrativos (Demonstrative adjectives)
  • Arquitectura española: formas y diseño (Spanish Architecture: Forms and Design)

Learning module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (11)

 Ancho: wide (Spanish)

La calle es ancha y bonita.

(The street is wide and pretty.)



 Estrecho: Narrow (Spanish)

El pasillo es estrecho.

(The hallway is narrow.)



 Grueso: Thick (Spanish)

Ese libro grueso es muy interesante.

(That thick book is very interesting.)



 Fino: Fine (Spanish)

Este reloj es más fino que el otro.

(This watch is finer than the other one.)



 Grande: Big (Spanish)

Esta mesa es grande y marróna.

(This table is large and brown.)



 Pequeño: Small (Spanish)

Este triángulo es más pequeño que el otro.

(This triangle is smaller than the other one.)



 Viejo: Old (Spanish)

Esa silla vieja es muy cómoda.

(That old chair is very comfortable.)



 Nuevo: New (Spanish)

Ese círculo es más nuevo que el otro.

(That circle is newer than the other one.)



 Duro: Hard (Spanish)

Este metal es más duro que el anterior.

(This metal is harder than the previous one.)



 Suave: Smooth (Spanish)

La manta es suave.

(The blanket is soft.)



 Mirar (to look) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ellos miran el amanecer.

(They watch the sunrise.)


(To look)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A1.27.1 Shapes: adjectives to describe objects

Aprendemos sobre las formas, el espesor, las medidas en un contexto casual: Pedro y Ana se van a comprar ropa.

(We learn about shapes, thickness, and measurements in a casual context: Pedro and Ana are going to buy clothes.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.27.2 Demonstrative adjectives

(Explanation of the use of the demonstrative adjectives este, ese y aquel .)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.27.3 Spanish Architecture: Forms and Design

Aprendemos sobre la arquitectura española, sus colores, formas, texturas, y estructuras.

(We learned about Spanish architecture, its colors, forms, textures, and structures.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


To look , Narrow , New , Hard , Big , Thick

e x m e s t r e c h o u g j b i v g r a n d e s r u t q o g r u e s o n p q v r x d u r o e a l x v i m i r a r m w d r w k n u e v o s k y


Score: 0/6

Grande (Big)
Estrecho (Narrow)
Mirar (To look)
Grueso (Thick)
Nuevo (New)
Duro (Hard)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. amanecer. | Ellos | el | miran
Ellos miran el amanecer.
(They watch the sunrise.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. Ellos miran el amanecer.
They watch the sunrise.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. Mirar
(To look)
2. Suave
3. Estrecho
4. Nuevo
5. Fino

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Mirar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Ellos ... el amanecer.

Ellos miran el amanecer.
(They look at the sunrise.)

2. Tú ... una serie.

Tú miras una serie.
(You watch a series.)

3. Él ... los animales.

Él mira los animales.
(He looks at the animals.)

4. Nosotros ... las estrellas.

Nosotros miramos las estrellas.
(We look at the stars.)

5. Vosotros ... el atardecer.

Vosotros miráis el atardecer.
(You look at the sunset.)

Exercise 6: Demonstrative adjectives

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

estas, Aquellos, Esos, Estos, Esas, Aquellas, aquella, Esa

1. Cerca: ... zapatos son gruesos.

Estos zapatos son gruesos.
(These shoes are thick.)

2. Media distancia: ... casas son estrechas.

Esas casas son estrechas.
(Those houses are narrow.)

3. Cerca: ¡Mira ... botas!

¡Mira estas botas!
(Look at these boots!)

4. Media distancia: ... ojos son claros.

Esos ojos son claros.
(Those eyes are clear.)

5. Lejos: ... camisetas son suaves.

Aquellas camisetas son suaves.
(Those T-shirts are soft.)

6. Media distancia: ... falda me gusta mucho.

Esa falda me gusta mucho.
(I like that skirt a lot.)

7. Lejos: Quiero mirar ... camiseta.

Quiero mirar aquella camiseta.
(I want to look at that T-shirt.)

8. Lejos: ... camareros son nuevos.

Aquellos camareros son nuevos.
(Those waiters are new.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. They watch the sunrise.
Ellos miran el amanecer.

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Empareja los opuestos. (Match the opposites.)

Example phrases:

  1. Viejo (4) es lo opuesto de nuevo (7). (Old (4) is the opposite of new (7).)
  2. ...

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (11): Verbs: 1, Adjectives: 10,
Context vocabulary: 7

Spanish English
Alta Tall
Anchas Wide
Ancho Wide
Claros Light
Diversa Diverse
Duro Hard
Estrecho Narrow
Fino Fine
Finos Elegant
Grande Large
Grueso Thick
Impresionante Impressive
Largo Long
Mirar To look
Nuevo New
Pequeño Small
Suave Smooth
Viejo Old

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Mirar (to look)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo miro I look
  • tú miras you look
  • él/ella mira he looks
  • nosotros/nosotras miramos We look
  • vosotros/vosotras miráis You look
  • ellos/ellas miran They look

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Mirar (Presente, indicativo)

1. Ellos ... el amanecer.

Ellos miran el amanecer.
(They look at the sunrise.)

2. Tú ... una serie.

Tú miras una serie.
(You watch a series.)

3. Él ... los animales.

Él mira los animales.
(He looks at the animals.)

4. Nosotros ... las estrellas.

Nosotros miramos las estrellas.
(We look at the stars.)

5. Vosotros ... el atardecer.

Vosotros miráis el atardecer.
(You look at the sunset.)