10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

A1.11 (Spanish lesson): Seasons, months and parts of the year

Estaciones, meses y partes del año

A1.11 (Spanish lesson): Seasons, months and parts of the year

Learning goals:

  • Aprende las 4 estaciones del año (Learn the 4 seasons of the year)
  • Aprende los nombres de los 12 meses (Learn the names of the 12 months)
  • Verb: Cambiar (to change) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Preferir (to prefer) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Ir (to go) - Presente (Present)
  • Grammar: Ir + a + infinitivo (To be going to + infinitive)
  • Culture: Sintiendo las estaciones a través de la música (Feeling the Seasons Through Music)

Learning history

Module: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

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Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

The learning materials of this lesson are available for students who are registered in our conversation classes.

Core vocabulary (20)

 La estación: The season (Spanish)

La estación

(The season)

 La primavera: The spring (Spanish)

La primavera

(The spring)

 El verano: The summer (Spanish)

El verano

(The summer)

 El otoño: The autumn (Spanish)

El otoño

(The autumn)

 El invierno: The winter (Spanish)

El invierno

(The winter)

 Enero: January (Spanish)



 Febrero: February (Spanish)



 Marzo: March (Spanish)



 Abril: April (Spanish)



 Mayo: May (Spanish)



 Junio: June (Spanish)



 Julio: July (Spanish)



 Agosto: August (Spanish)



 Septiembre: September (Spanish)



 Octubre: October (Spanish)



 Noviembre: November (Spanish)



 Diciembre: December (Spanish)



 Cambiar (to change) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to change)

 Preferir (to prefer) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to prefer)

 Ir (to go) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to go)

Lesson materials

Handouts, exercises and audio to discuss during conversation lessons.

A1.11.1 Spanish dialogue: Ana and Pedro's favourite seasons

Pedro y Ana hablan sobre las estaciones del año y los meses en un diálogo corto y fácil.

(Pedro and Ana talk about the seasons of the year and the months in a short and easy dialogue.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.11.2 Spanish grammar: To be going to + infinitive

(The combination of the verb 'ir' + a + infinitive...)

Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.11.3 Spanish short story: We travel with Ana in every season of the year

Sigue a Ana mientras disfruta de cada estación del año. Aprende los nombres de los meses en español con esta breve historia.

(Follow Ana as she enjoys each season of the year. Learn the names of the months in Spanish with this brief story.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.11.4 Spanish culture: Feeling the Seasons Through Music

Descubrimos las cuatro estaciones del año a través de artistas españoles y sus canciones que nos hacen viajar y sentir los cambios de estaciones.

(We discover the four seasons of the year through Spanish artists and their songs that make us travel and feel the changes of the seasons.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Di los nombres de cada estación. (Tell the names of each season. )
  2. Asigna 3 meses a cada estación. (Assign 3 months to each season. )

Example phrases:

  1. En verano hay tres meses: junio, julio y agosto. (In summer there are three months: June, July and August.)
  2. ...