10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

A1.13 (Spanish lesson): Telling the time and reading the clock

Decir la hora y leer el reloj

A1.13 (Spanish lesson): Telling the time and reading the clock

Learning goals:

  • Preguntar y decir la hora (Ask and tell the time)
  • Lee el reloj (Read the clock)
  • Verb: Leer (to read) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Llegar (to arrive) - Presente (Present)
  • Grammar: ¿Cómo decir la hora? (How to tell the time?)
  • Culture: Los Relojes de Dalí (The Clocks of Dalí)

Learning history

Module: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

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Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

The learning materials of this lesson are available for students who are registered in our conversation classes.

Core vocabulary (23)

 En punto: On the dot (Spanish)

En punto

(On the dot)

 Y media: Half past (Spanish)

Y media

(Half past)

 Y cuarto: And a quarter (Spanish)

Y cuarto

(And a quarter)

 Menos cuarto: Quarter to (Spanish)

Menos cuarto

(Quarter to)

 El mediodía : The noon (Spanish)

El mediodía

(The noon)

 La medianoche : The midnight (Spanish)

La medianoche

(The midnight)

 Es la una: It's one o'clock (Spanish)

Es la una

(It's one o'clock)

 Son las: It's (Spanish)

Son las


 El minuto: The minute (Spanish)

El minuto

(The minute)

 La hora: The time (Spanish)

La hora

(The time)

 ¿Qué hora es?: What time is it? (Spanish)

¿Qué hora es?

(What time is it?)

 Y cinco: And five (Spanish)

Y cinco

(And five)

 Y diez: And ten (Spanish)

Y diez

(And ten)

 Y veinte: Twenty past (Spanish)

Y veinte

(Twenty past)

 Menos veinte: Twenty to (Spanish)

Menos veinte

(Twenty to)

 Menos diez: Ten to (Spanish)

Menos diez

(Ten to)

 Menos cinco: Five to (Spanish)

Menos cinco

(Five to)

 De la mañana: In the morning (Spanish)

De la mañana

(In the morning)

 De la tarde: In the afternoon (Spanish)

De la tarde

(In the afternoon)

 De la noche: At night (Spanish)

De la noche

(At night)

 De la madrugada: In the early morning (Spanish)

De la madrugada

(In the early morning)

 Marcar (to mark) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to mark)

 Llegar (to arrive) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to arrive)

Lesson materials

Handouts, exercises and audio to discuss during conversation lessons.

A1.13.1 What time is it?

Pedro y Ana hablan sobre la hora en un diálogo corto y fácil. Aprende a leer el reloj y a decir la hora en español.

(Pedro and Ana talk about the time in a short and easy dialogue. Learn to read the clock and say the time in Spanish.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.13.2 Spanish grammar: How to tell the time?

(Learn to tell the time at any time of the day.)

Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.13.3 Spanish short story: Every minute counts

Sigue a Carlos mientras revisa la hora a lo largo del día. Aprende a decir la hora en español.

(Follow Carlos as he checks the time throughout the day. Learn to tell the time in Spanish.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

A1.13.4 Spanish culture: The Clocks of Dalí

Aprende sobre el tiempo y su significado a través de una pintura española de Salvador Dalí.

(Learn about time and its meaning through a Spanish painting by Salvador Dalí.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Di qué hora es en cada imagen. (Say what time it is on each picture.)

Example phrases:

  1. Son las tres y media. (It's half past 3. )
  2. ...