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Spanish A1.13.2 Every minute counts

Follow Carlos as he checks the time throughout the day. Learn to tell the time in Spanish.

Cuento corto: Cada minuto cuenta

Sigue a Carlos mientras revisa la hora a lo largo del día. Aprende a decir la hora en español.

Spanish A1.13.2 Every minute counts

A1 Spanish

Level: A1

Module 2: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Lesson 13: Decir la hora y leer el reloj. (Telling the time and reading the clock)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Text and translation

1. Carlos se despierta a las siete y media de la mañana. Carlos wakes up at half past seven in the morning.
2. A las ocho en punto se va de casa para trabajar. At eight o'clock he leaves the house to work.
3. Empieza a trabajar en la universidad a las nueve. He starts working at the university at nine.
4. A las doce y media del mediodía Carlos come con amigos. At half past twelve in the afternoon, Carlos has lunch with friends.
5. Sale de trabajar a las cinco menos cuarto de la tarde. He finishes work at quarter to five in the afternoon.
6. Carlos cena con su familia a las ocho. Carlos has dinner with his family at eight.
7. A las diez y veinte vuelve a casa después de la cena. At ten twenty he returns home after dinner.
8. Carlos se acuesta a medianoche. Carlos goes to bed at midnight.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. Verdadero/Falso: Carlos se despierta a las seis de la mañana.
  2. True/False: Carlos wakes up at six in the morning.
  3. ¿A qué hora come Carlos?
  4. What time does Carlos have lunch?
  5. Verdadero/Falso: Carlos se acuesta después de medianoche.
  6. True/False: Carlos goes to bed after midnight.
  7. ¿A qué hora cena Carlos con sus padres?
  8. What time does Carlos have dinner with his parents?
  9. ¿A qué hora te despiertas, trabajas, comes,...?
  10. What time do you wake up, work, eat,...?

Exercise 2:

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

en punto, doce y media, cinco menos cuarto, siete y media, a las ocho, a las nueve

Carlos se despierta a las ... de la mañana.
(Carlos wakes up at half past seven in the morning.)
Sale de trabajar a las ... de la tarde.
(He leaves work at quarter to five in the afternoon.)
Empieza a trabajar en la universidad ....
(He starts working at the university at nine.)
A las ... del mediodía Carlos come con amigos.
(At half past twelve in the afternoon, Carlos has lunch with friends.)
A las ocho ... se va de casa para trabajar.
(At eight o'clock he leaves home to work.)
Carlos cena con su familia ....
(Carlos has dinner with his family at eight.)