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Spanish A1.24: Colours


Spanish A1.24: Colours

Learning goals:

  • Nombres de colores básicos y compuestos (Basic and compound colours names)
  • Describiendo objetos (Describing objects)
  • Expresar gustos y disgustos (Expressing likes and dislikes)
  • Expresar gustos y disgustos: (no) me gusta (Expressing likes and dislikes: I (don't) like)
  • Colores de España: La bandera española (Colours of Spain: The Spanish flag)

Learning module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (15)

 Rojo: Red (Spanish)

Me gusta el color rojo.

(I like the colour red.)



 Blanco: White (Spanish)

No me gusta el color blanco.

(I don't like the color white.)



 Negro: Black (Spanish)

Me gusta el color negro.

(I like the colour black.)



 Gris: Gray (Spanish)

La gata es gris y me gusta su color.

(The cat is grey and I like its colour.)



 Azul: blue (Spanish)

Me gusta el color azul.

(I like the colour blue.)



 Amarillo: yellow (Spanish)

No me gusta la silla amarilla.

(I don't like the yellow chair.)



 Verde: Green (Spanish)

Me gusta el color verde.

(I like the colour green.)



 Marrón: Brown (Spanish)

El color marrón no me gusta mucho.

(I don't really like the colour brown.)



 Rosa: Pink (Spanish)

La mesa es de color rosa.

(The table is pink.)



 Naranja: Orange (Spanish)

Me gusta el color naranja.

(I like the orange colour.)



 Violeta: violet (Spanish)

Me gusta el color violeta en mi camisa.

(I like the colour violet on my shirt.)



 Gustar (to like) - Verb conjugation and exercises

¿Te gusta el regalo?

(Do you like the present?)


(To like)

 El color: The colour (Spanish)

El color rojo me gusta mucho.

(I like the colour red a lot.)

El color

(The colour)

 Maquillarse (to put on makeup) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.

(We put on make-up together for the event.)


(To put on makeup)

 Pintarse (to paint oneself) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ellos se pintan para el evento.

(They are painting themselves for the event.)


(To paint oneself)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A1.24.1 Expressing likes and dislikes: I (don't) like

(We learn to express what we like and dislike using the verb 'gustar'.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.24.2 Ana, Javier and the colours

Aprendemos los colores describiendo a Ana y a Javier.

(We learn the colours by describing Ana and Javier.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A1.24.3 Colours of Spain: The Spanish flag

La bandera de España y de las diferentes regiones de España son muy importante en la cultura española.

(The flag of Spain and the different regions of Spain are very important in Spanish culture.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


White , Gray , To like , Violet , Green , The colour

e x m g r i s u g j b i v v e r d e s r u t q o e l c o l o r n p q v r x v i o l e t a e a l x v i b l a n c o m w d r w k g u s t a r s k y


Score: 0/6

Gustar (To like)
Verde (Green)
Blanco (White)
Gris (Gray)
Violeta (Violet)
El color (The colour)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. español. | estudiar | gusta | A | nos | nosotros
A nosotros nos gusta estudiar español.
(We like to study Spanish.)
2. evento. | maquillamos juntos | Nosotros nos | para el
Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.
(We put on make-up together for the event.)
3. para | evento. | Ellos | el | se | pintan
Ellos se pintan para el evento.
(They are painting themselves for the event.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. A nosotros nos gusta estudiar español.
We like to study Spanish.
2. Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.
We put on make-up together for the event.
3. Ellos se pintan para el evento.
They are painting themselves for the event.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. Rosa
2. Verde
3. Blanco
4. Maquillarse
(To put on makeup)
5. Naranja

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Gustar (Presente, indicativo), Pintarse (Presente, indicativo), Maquillarse (Presente, indicativo)

1. Nosotros ... igual.

Nosotros nos pintamos igual.
(We put on makeup the same way.)

2. Nosotros ... juntos para el evento.

Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.
(We put on makeup together for the event.)

3. A mi ... la comida familiar.

A mi me gusta la comida familiar.
(I like family food.)

4. Yo ... la cara.

Yo me pinto la cara.
(I put on makeup.)

5. Vosotros ... en el espejo.

Vosotros os maquilláis en el espejo.
(You put on makeup in the mirror.)

Exercise 6: Expressing likes and dislikes: I (don't) like

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

no les gusta, te gustan, no os gusta, le gusta, no le gustan, me gustan, me gusta, os gusta

1. Gustar: A vosotros ... muchas cosas.

A vosotros os gusta muchas cosas.
(You like many things.)

2. No gustar: A vosotros ... el color violeta.

A vosotros no os gusta el color violeta.
(You (plural) don't like the colour violet.)

3. Gustar: A mí ... las mujeres con labios rojos.

A mí me gustan las mujeres con labios rojos.
(I like women with red lips.)

4. Gustar: A tí ... todos los colores.

A tí te gustan todos los colores.
(You like all the colours.)

5. No gustar: A ellos ... llevar ropa negra.

A ellos no les gusta llevar ropa negra.
(They don't like to wear black clothes.)

6. No gustar: A él ... los frutos rojos.

A él no le gustan los frutos rojos.
(He doesn't like red berries.)

7. Gustar: A ella ... maquillarse.

A ella le gusta maquillarse.
(She likes putting on makeup.)

8. Gustar: A mí ... el color rosa.

A mí me gusta el color rosa.
(I like the colour pink.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. They are painting themselves for the event.
Ellos se pintan para el evento.
2. We like to study Spanish.
A nosotros nos gusta estudiar español.
3. We put on make-up together for the event.
Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.

Conversation exercise

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

  1. Describe los colores de la ropa. (Describe the colours of the clothes.)
  2. Describe el color de pelo de cada persona. (Describe the hair colour of each person.)

Example phrases:

  1. Los zapatos son blancos. (The shoes are white.)
  2. La mujer es rubia. (The woman is blond.)
  3. ...

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (15): Verbs: 3, Adjectives: 11, Nouns: 1,
Context vocabulary: 6

Spanish English
Amarillo Yellow
Azul Blue
Azules Blue
Blanca White
Blanco White
Colores Colours
El color The colour
Gris Gray
Gustar To like
Maquillarse To put on makeup
Marrones Brown
Marrón Brown
Naranja Orange
Negro Black
Pintarse To paint oneself
Rojo Red
Rojos Red
Rosa Pink
Rosas Pink
Verde Green
Violeta Purple

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Maquillarse (to put on makeup)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo me maquillo I put on makeup
  • tú te maquillas You put on makeup
  • él/ella se maquilla He puts on makeup
  • nosotros/nosotras nos maquillamos we put on makeup
  • vosotros/vosotras os maquilláis You all put on makeup
  • ellos/ellas se maquillan They put on makeup

Pintarse (to paint oneself)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo me pinto I paint myself
  • tú te pintas You paint yourself
  • él/ella se pinta He paints himself
  • nosotros/nosotras nos pintamos We paint ourselves
  • vosotros/vosotras os pintáis You (plural) paint yourselves
  • ellos/ellas se pintan They paint themselves

Gustar (to like)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo me gusta I like
  • tú te gusta You like
  • él/ella le gusta he/she likes
  • nosotros/nosotras nos gusta we like
  • vosotros/vosotras os gusta You all like
  • ellos/ellas les gusta They like

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Gustar (Presente, indicativo), Pintarse (Presente, indicativo), Maquillarse (Presente, indicativo)

1. Nosotros ... igual.

Nosotros nos pintamos igual.
(We put on makeup the same way.)

2. Nosotros ... juntos para el evento.

Nosotros nos maquillamos juntos para el evento.
(We put on makeup together for the event.)

3. A mi ... la comida familiar.

A mi me gusta la comida familiar.
(I like family food.)

4. Yo ... la cara.

Yo me pinto la cara.
(I put on makeup.)

5. Vosotros ... en el espejo.

Vosotros os maquilláis en el espejo.
(You put on makeup in the mirror.)