Difference between ser vs estar Share Copied!
We learn about the difference and the different uses of the verbs ser and estar.
Gramática: Diferencia entre ser vs estar
A1 Spanish Difference between "ser" and "estar"
Level: A1
Module 4: Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)
Lesson 25: Emociones y sentimientos (Emotions and feelings)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- "Ser" is used for permanent characteristics, identity, origin, and profession.
- "Estar" is used for temporary states, emotions, location, and to talk about the weather.
Verbo | Uso | Ejemplo |
Ser | Características permanentes | La mesa es ancha. (The table is wide.) |
Identidad | Juan es abogado. (Juan is a lawyer.) | |
Origen/Nacionalidad | Tú eres española. (You are Spanish.) | |
Descripciones generales | El cielo es oscuro. (The sky is dark.) | |
Estar | Estado o condición temporal | Ella está cansada. (She is tired.) |
Ubicación | El libro está sobre la mesa. (The book is on the table.) | |
Emociones | María está feliz hoy. (María is happy today.) | |
Condiciones temporales | El camino está mojado. (The road is wet.) |
Exercise 1: Diferencia entre ser vs estar
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
eres, soy, están, estoy, estáis, es, sois, estamos
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
you are
we are
they are