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Places in town (buildings, locations,...) in Spanish - vocabulary and expressions




Buildings in Spanish

English Spanish
Hospital Hospital
School Escuela
Supermarket Supermercado
Library Biblioteca
Restaurant Restaurante
Store Tienda
Pharmacy Farmacia
Bank Banco

Dialogue on the buildings  

Spanish English
¿Dónde está la biblioteca? Where is the library?
Está cerca de la escuela. It is near the school.
¿Y el hospital? And the hospital?
El hospital está al lado del supermercado. The hospital is next to the supermarket.
¿Y la farmacia dónde está? And where is the pharmacy?
Está detrás del banco. It is behind the bank.

Locations in Spanish

English Spanish
Nouns have a gender in Spanish. The "church" is feminine, so we say "la iglesia".
Church Iglesia
Post office Oficina de correos
Nouns have a gender in Spanish. The "city hall" is masculine, so we say "el ayuntamiento".
City hall Ayuntamiento
Market Mercado
Nouns also need to agree in number. Here, the plural form for "mercado" is "mercados".
Airport Aeropuerto
Train station Estación de tren
Bus station Estación de autobuses

Most nouns ending in -o are masculine, while those ending in -a are feminine. However, there are exceptions, so it's crucial to memorize the gender of each noun.

Dialogue on the locations

Spanish English
Necesito ir a la oficina de correos. I need to go to the post office.
Yo tengo que ir a la estación de autobuses. I have to go to the bus station.
Antes tengo que pasar por la iglesia. Before I have to stop by the church.
Vale. Yo necesito ir al mercado. Ok. I need to go to the market.
Después del mercado, tengo que ir al ayuntamiento. After the market, I have to go to the town hall.

Places in town in Spanish 

English Spanish
Street Calle
Footpath Acera
Definite articles are commonly used with places in town. We say "La plaza" => "The square".
Square Plaza
Park Parque
Beach Playa
Roundabout Rotonda
Crossroads Cruce
Pedestrian crossing Paso de cebra

To make a noun plural, typically add -s for masculine nouns and -as for feminine nouns.
For example:
The apartments => Los apartamentos (masculine)
The offices => Las oficinas (feminine).

Dialogue on the places in town

Spanish English
¿Quieres pasear por la calle? Do you want to take a walk in the street?
¿Por qué no caminamos hacia la plaza? Why don't we walk towards the square?
Después podríamos ir al parque. Then, we could go to the park.
Me encanta el parque. I love the park.
El parque está cerca de la rotonda. The park is near the roundabout.


Key takeaways

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