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The Parts of the Body in Spanish


The body parts and their translations in Spanish.



Basic body parts in Spanish

Spanish English
La cabeza The head
Body parts are preceded by articles to indicate gender and number. For example:
?La cabeza? (the head) is feminine and singular.
Los ojos The eyes
La nariz The nose
La boca The mouth
Las manos The hands
Los brazos The arms
Las piernas The legs
Los pies The feet
Las orejas The ears

In many cases, we add "s" at the end of the word for its plural form. For example:
?El ojo? is singular.
?Los ojos? is plural.

Dialogue on basic body parts

Spanish English
¿Dónde está tu boca? Where's your mouth?
Mi boca está en mi cara. My mouth is on my face.
¿Dónde está tu nariz? Where's your nose?
Mi nariz está entre mis ojos. My nose is between my eyes.
Y, ¿dónde está tu mano? And where is your hand?
Mi mano está en la parte inferior de mi brazo. My hand is at the bottom of my arm.
¿Dónde están tus pies? Where are your feet?
Mis pies están en la parte inferior de mis piernas. My feet are at the bottom of my legs.

Describing people in Spanish

Spanish English
Ella es alta She is tall

Adjectives need to agree in gender. Here it is feminine, so we say: ?alta?.

Él es bajo He is short

Adjectives need to agree in gender. Here it is masculine, so we say: ?bajo?.

Él es delgado He is slim
Ella es fuerte She is strong
Ellos son gordos They are chubby

Adjectives need to agree in number too. Here it is plural and masculine, so we say: ?gordos?.

Ella es grande She is big

Dialogue on describing people

Spanish English
¿Cómo es María físicamente? What does Maria look like physically?
María es alta. Maria is tall.
¿Y Pedro? And Pedro?
Pedro es bajo y gordo. Pedro is short and chubby.
¿Y Laura? And Laura?
Laura es grande y fuerte. Laura is big and strong.
¿Y Carlos? And Carlos?
Carlos es alto. Ahora está delgado. Carlos is tall. Now he is slim.

Use "ser" when describing permanent or intrinsic characteristics that don't change over time.
For example: ?(Ella) es alta? => (She) is tall
Use "estar" when describing conditions that are temporary and can change.
For example: ?(Él) está delgado? => (He) is slim

Key takeaways

Here is a quick summary of this lesson.

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