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The emotions, personalities and descriptive adjectives in Spanish




Emotions in Spanish

Spanish English
Estoy feliz. I am happy.
The verb "estar" (to be) is used for emotions as they are temporary conditions.
Tengo miedo. I am scared.
The verb "tener" (to have) is used for certain emotions.
Ella está triste. She is sad.
Ella está emocionada. She is excited.
Él está sorprendido. He is surprised.
Ellos están enfadados. They are angry.
Me siento cansado. I feel tired.
We use the verb "sentir" (to feel) to describe certain emotions.

Adjectives must always match with gender and number.
We say “enfadados” because it’s masculine and plural.

Dialogue on emotions in Spanish

Spanish English
¿Cómo te sientes hoy? How are you feeling today?
Me siento feliz y emocionada. I feel happy and excited.
¿Tú cómo estás? How are you?
Me siento triste y un poco cansada. I feel sad and a bit tired.
Estoy sorprendido. ¿Qué te ha pasado? I am surprised. What happened to you?
He tenido una disputa, y estoy enfadada. I had an argument, and I feel angry.

Personalities in Spanish

Spanish English
Mi amiga es simpática. My friend is friendly.
Adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
We say: “simpática” because “amiga” is singular and feminine.
El profesor es paciente. The teacher is patient.
Some adjectives are gender neutral, so we use the same word for female and male.
For example:
“Él es paciente” => He is patient.
“Ella es paciente” => She is patient.
Mi hermano es creativo. My brother is creative.
La cantante es talentosa. The singer is talented.
La niña es curiosa. The girl is curious.
El científico es ingenioso. The scientist is clever.
Mi compañero es humilde. My colleague is humble.

When describing a person's personality, use the verb "ser".

Dialogue on personalities in Spanish

Spanish English
¿Cómo es tu amiga? What is your friend like?
Ella es simpática. She is friendly.
¿Qué piensas del profesor? What do you think of the teacher?
El profesor es paciente. The teacher is patient.
¿Qué te parece la cantante? What do you think about the singer?
La cantante es muy talentosa y creativa. The singer is very talented and creative.
¿Cómo es tu compañero? What is your colleague like?
Él es humilde. He is humble.

Descriptive adjectives in Spanish

Spanish English
Amable. Kind.
“Amable” is an adjective that is used for both female and male.
Generoso. Generous.
Tímido. Shy.
Extrovertido. Outgoing.
Inteligente. Intelligent.
The adjective “inteligente” is both masculine and feminine.
Divertido. Funny.
Responsable. Responsible.
Cariñoso. Caring.

Adjectives should match gender and number. For example:
“El niño es generoso” => The boy is generous.
“Las niñas son generosas” => The girls are generous.

Dialogue on descriptive adjectives in Spanish

Spanish English
¿Cómo es tu amigo? What's your friend like?
Mi amigo es amable y divertido. My friend is kind and funny.
¿Cómo es tu hermana? How is your sister?
Mi hermana es tímida pero generosa. My sister is shy but generous.
¿Cómo es tu padre? How is your father?
Mi padre es extrovertido y responsable. My father is outgoing and responsible.
¿Y tu madre? And your mother?
Es cariñosa e inteligente. She is caring and intelligent.

Key takeaways

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