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Country names, nationalities and languages in Spanish - vocabulary and expressions




Country names in Spanish 

Spanish English
España Spain
Use "de" (of/from) followed by the country name when describing your origins.
For example: "Soy de Francia." => "I am from France.".
Francia France
Alemania Germany
Italia Italy
"Estados Unidos" is plural, so we use the article "los".
For example: "Los Estados Unidos." => "The United States.".
Estados Unidos United States
Reino Unido United Kingdom
Irlanda Ireland
Use the preposition "en" (in) to describe the location where you are.
For example: "Vivo en Sudáfrica." => "I live in South Africa.".
Sudáfrica South Africa

In Spanish, country names are typically preceded by the definite article "el" (masculine) or "la" (feminine), depending on the gender of the country name.
For example:
"El Salvador." => "El Salvador" (masculine)
"La República Checa." => "The Czech Republic." (feminine).

Dialogue on the country names

Spanish English
¿Cuál es tu país de origen? What is your country of origin?
Soy de España. I'm from Spain.
¿Tú de dónde eres? Where are you from?
Yo soy de Irlanda. I'm from Ireland.
¿Dónde vives? Where do you live?
Vivo en Alemania. I live in Germany.

Nationalities in Spanish 

Spanish English
Nationalities often function as adjectives.
For example: "Español" can mean both the nationality and language.
Español Spanish
Nationalities are gendered.
For example:
"Él es francés." => "He is French."
"Ella es francesa." => "She is French.".
Francés French
Alemán German
Italiano Italian
Estadounidense North American
Británico British
Irlandés Irish
Sudafricano South African

Nationalities in Spanish are often formed by adding the suffix "-ano" for masculine and "-ana" for feminine to the country name.
For example:
"Mexicano." => "Mexican." (masculine)
"Italiana." => "Italian." (feminine).

Dialogue on the nationalities

Spanish English
¿De dónde eres? Where are you from?
Soy español. Nací en España. I'm Spanish. I was born in Spain.
¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad? What is your nationality?
Use the verb "ser” to describe someone’s nationality.
Yo soy italiana. I'm Italian.
¿De qué nacionalidad es tu amiga? What nationality does your friend have?
Ella es sudafricana y francesa. She is South African and French.

Languages in Spanish 

Spanish English
Language adjectives are often used to describe nationality.
For example:
"Ruso" can mean both the language and nationality.
Ruso Russian
Chino Chinese
Holandés Dutch
Sueco Swedish
Árabe Arabic
Hebreo Hebrew

The names of languages in Spanish are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.
For example:
"Estoy aprendiendo español y francés." => "I am learning Spanish and French.".

Dialogue on the languages

Spanish English
¿Qué idiomas hablas, María? What languages do you speak, Maria?
Hablo japonés y sueco. ¿Y tú, Daniel? I speak Japanese and Swedish. And you, Daniel?
Yo hablo árabe y también ruso. I speak Arabic and also Russian.
¿Cuál es tu idioma favorito? What is your favourite language?
Mi idioma favorito es el chino. ¿Y el tuyo? My favourite language is Chinese. And yours?
El mío es el hebreo. Mine is Hebrew.

Continents in Spanish 

Spanish English
América del Norte North America
América del Sur South America
Europa Europe
Asia Asia
África Africa
Antártida Antarctica

 Usually, we don't use articles before the names of continents.
For example:
"Me gusta África." => "I like Africa.".

Dialogue on the continents

Spanish English
¿Qué continente te gustaría visitar Maria? Which continent would you like to visit Maria?
Me gustaría visitar Asia. I would like to visit Asia.
A mí me gustaría ir a América del Sur. I would like to go to South America.
Yo he vivido en América del Norte. I have lived in North America.
Sería un sueño visitar Antártida. It would be a dream to visit Antarctica.
Yo quiero vivir en Europa. I want to live in Europe.


Key takeaways

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