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The animals in Spanish - vocabulary and expressions




Common animals in Spanish

Spanish English
Perro Dog
Gato Cat
Pájaro Bird

Use the correct singular or plural form of the noun. For example:
“El pájaro” => The bird
“Los pájaros” => The birds

Pez Fish

In Spanish, most animal names have gender. For example:
“El pez” is always masculine. There is no feminine.

Conejo Rabbit
Caballo Horse
Tortuga Turtle

Some animal names can use both feminine and masculine forms. For example:
“El gato” => The cat (masculine)
“La gata” => The cat (feminine)

Dialogue on common animals

Spanish English
¿Tienes un gato? Do you have a cat?
Sí, tengo un gato. Yes, I have a cat.
¿Tienes un perro? Do you have a dog?
No, tengo un pez dorado. No, I have a goldfish.
¿Has visto un conejo en el jardín? Have you seen a rabbit in the garden?
No, pero he visto muchos pájaros. No, but I've seen many birds.

Wild animals in Spanish

Spanish English
León Lion
Tigre Tiger
Elefante Elephant
Jirafa Giraffe
Cocodrilo Crocodile

In Spanish, most animal names have gender. For example:
“La girafa” is always feminine. There is no masculine.

Dialogue on wild animals

Spanish English
¿Has visto algún animal salvaje? Have you seen any animal in the jungle?
Sí, he visto tigres y jirafas. Yes, I have seen tigers and giraffes.
¿Cuál es tu animal salvaje favorito? What's your favourite wild animal?
Es el león. It is the lion.
¿Te da miedo algún animal? Are you scared of any animal?
Sí, el cocodrilo. ¿Y a ti? Yes, the crocodile. And you?
El elefante. The elephant.

Key takeaways

Here is a quick summary of this lesson.

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