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How to count and the numbers in Spanish - vocabulary and expressions




Numbers from 1 to 10

Spanish English
Uno One
Dos Two
Tres Three
Cuatro Four
Cinco Five
Seis Six
Siete Seven
Ocho Eight
Nueve Nine
Diez Ten

Dialogue on the numbers from 1 to 10

Spanish English
¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you?
Tengo cinco años. I am five years old.
¿Cuántos hermanos tienes tú? How many siblings do you have?
Tengo tres hermanos y dos hermanas. I have three brothers and two sisters.

Numbers from 11 to 20

Spanish English
Once Eleven
Doce Twelve
Trece Thirteen
Catorce Fourteen
Quince Fifteen
Dieciséis Sixteen
Diecisiete Seventeen
Dieciocho Eighteen
Diecinueve Nineteen
Veinte Twenty

Notice how the numbers from 16 to 19 are formed by adding "dieci-" (ten) in front of the numbers 6 to 9.

Dialogue on the numbers from 11 to 20

Spanish English
¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you?
Tengo diecisiete años. I'm seventeen years old.
Yo tengo veinte años. I'm twenty years old.
¿Cuáles son tus números favoritos? What are your favorite numbers?
El dieciséis y el diecinueve son mis números favoritos. Sixteen and nineteen are my favorite numbers.
Mi número de la suerte es el once. My lucky number is the eleven.

Numbers from 20 to 100

Spanish English
Veinte Twenty
Treinta Thirty
Cuarenta Forty
Cincuenta Fifty
Sesenta Sixty
Setenta Seventy
Ochenta Eighty
Noventa Ninety
Cien One hundred

Pay attention to the way numbers like "treinta" and "cuarenta" are formed by combining the prefix for tens with numbers from one to nine, making it easier to grasp.
When combining the tens with the units (e.g., treinta y cinco for 35), use "y" to connect them.

Dialogue on the numbers from 20 to 100

Spanish English
¿Cuántos años cumples hoy? How old are you turning today?
Cumplo treinta y cinco años. ¿Y cuántos años tienes tú? I'm turning thirty-five. And how old are you?
Yo tengo cuarenta y dos años. I am forty-two years old.
¿Cuántos invitados vienen a tu fiesta? How many guests are coming to your party?
Vienen cincuenta personas. ¿Puedes comprar noventa globos? Fifty people are coming. Can you buy ninety balloons?

 Note how "y" is used to connect the tens and units.

Numbers from 100 to 1000

Spanish English
Cien (100) One hundred
Doscientos (200) Two hundred
Trescientos (300) Three hundred
Cuatrocientos (400) Four hundred
Quinientos (500) Five hundred
Seiscientos (600) Six hundred
Setecientos (700) Seven hundred
Ochocientos (800) Eight hundred
Novecientos (900) Nine hundred
Mil (1000) Thousand

In Spanish, numbers from 100 to 1000 must agree in gender with the nouns they modify.
Also, use "y" (and) between the hundreds and the units when counting between 101 and 199.
For example: "one hundred ninety-nine” is “ciento noventa y nueve“.

Dialogue on the numbers from 100 to 1000

Spanish English
¿Cuántos euros cuesta ese teléfono? How much does that phone cost?
Cuesta cuatrocientos euros. It costs 400 euros.
¡Es una oferta fantástica! That's a fantastic deal!
¿Cuántos días de viaje planeas? How many days of travel are you planning?
Planeo viajar durante ochocientos días. I plan to travel for 800 days.
¿Cuántas páginas tiene ese libro? How many pages does that book have?
Tiene quinientas páginas. It has 500 pages.

Key takeaways

Here is a quick summary of this lesson.

Important! Practise this lesson with a teacher.

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