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How to talk about the weather in Spanish - vocabulary and expressions




Weather Vocabulary in Spanish

This list contains vocabulary about different weather conditions in Spanish.

Spanish English
Sol Sun
Viento Wind
Tormenta      Storm
Lluvia Rain
Nieve Snow
Calor Hot
Frío Cold

Dialogue on weather vocabulary

Spanish English
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What's the weather like today?
Hace sol. It is sunny.
Me encanta el sol. I love the sun.
¿Te gusta la nieve? Do you like snow?
Sí, me gusta el frío y la nieve. Yes, I like cold weather and the snow.
¿Y la lluvia? And rain?
La lluvia no me gusta. Me da nostalgia. I don't like rain. It gives me nostalgia.
A mi me encantan las tormentas. I love storms.

Weather Phrases in Spanish

These common expressions can be useful in everyday conversations about temperature and weather conditions.

Spanish English
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Está nublado. It's cloudy.
Hace fresco. It's chilly.
Está lloviendo. It's raining.
Está nevando. It's snowing.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace frío. It's cold.

In Spanish, when chatting about the weather, just use "hace" followed by a description.
For example, "Hace sol" means "It's sunny," and "Hace frío" means "It's cold." Easy, right?

Dialogue on weather expressions

Spanish English
¿Cómo está el tiempo hoy? How's the weather today?
Está nublado y fresco, lleva tu paraguas. It's cloudy and cool, take your umbrella.
¿Qué tiempo hace en tu pueblo? What's the weather like in your village?
Hace calor y sol. It's hot and sunny.
¿Y en invierno? And in winter?
Hace mucho frío. It's very cold.

Key takeaways

Here is a quick summary of this lesson.

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