Spanish A2 module 5: Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)
This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Planes para el futuro (Plans for the future)
- Hablando sobre diferentes escenarios de vida (Talking about different life scenarios)
- Tiempos verbales futuros (Future verb tenses)
Short stories
Learning material | Audio | Actions |
A2.32.3: Mi Lista de Sueños My List of Dreams |
A2.33.3: El sueño de la familia perfecta The Dream of the Perfect Family |
A2.34.3: El secreto oculto The Hidden Secret |
A2.35.3: La Vida Ideal de Juan: Sueños y Esperanza Juan's Ideal Life: Dreams and Hope |
A2.36.3: Los planes educativos de María Maria's Educational Plans |
A2.37.3: Los sueños de Laura y sus amigos Laura's Dreams and Those of Her Friends |
A2.38.2: Mi Futuro Probable e Improbable My Probable and Improbable Future |