Cuando sea mayor...
Learning goals:
- Habla sobre lo que querías ser cuando eras niño (Talk about what you wanted to be when you were a child)
- Los sustantivos y su género (Nouns and their gender)
- Los príncipes de Asturias: la corona de España (The Princes of Asturias: the Crown of Spain)
Learning module 5 (A2): Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)
Recap exercises of the previous lesson
Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes
Core vocabulary (9)
Te haces idealizar la vida en África.
(You make yourself idealise life in Africa.)
(To become)
El príncipe soñará con tener una mascota cuando sea mayor.
(The prince will dream of having a pet when he is older.)
El príncipe
(The prince)
Cuando era niña, Isabel siempre soñaba con ser la princesa de un cuento.
(When she was a child, Isabel always dreamed of being the princess in a fairy tale.)
La princesa
(The princess)
Cuando sea mayor, quiero ser el actor que inspire a muchos.
(When I grow up, I want to be the actor who inspires many.)
El actor
(The actor)
Cuando me gradúe, quizá quiera ser la actriz de una famosa película.
(When I graduate, I might want to be the actress in a famous film.)
La actriz
(The actress)
Quiero ser el pianista más famoso del mundo.
(I want to be the most famous pianist in the world.)
El pianista
(The pianist)
Ella sueña con ser la directora de su propia compañía algún día.
(She dreams of being the director of her own company one day.)
El director
(The director)
Cuando era pequeño, soñaba con ser un director famoso y ahora creo que es posible.
(When I was little, I dreamed of becoming a famous director, and now I believe it is possible.)
Soñar con
(To dream of)
De pequeño quería ser un actor famoso o quizás un director de cine.
(When I was little, I wanted to be a famous actor or perhaps a film director.)
Querer ser
(To want to be)
Listening materials
Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!
A2.37.1 Diálogo: ¿Quién querías ser cuando eras niño?
Spanish A2.37.1 Who did you want to be when you were a child?
Diálogo corto entre Pedro y Ana sobre sus sueños de infancia.
(Short dialogue between Pedro and Ana about their childhood dreams.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A2.37.2 Gramática: Los sustantivos y su género
Spanish A2.37.2 Nouns and their gender
(Nouns in Spanish can be masculine or feminine. In Spanish, there is no neuter gender.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A2.37.3 Cuento corto: Los sueños de Laura y sus amigos
Spanish A2.37.3 Laura's Dreams and Those of Her Friends
Cuento corto sobre Laura y sus amigos compartiendo sus sueños de lo que quieren ser cuando sean mayores.
(Short story about Laura and her friends sharing their dreams of what they want to be when they grow up.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A2.37.4 Cultura: Los príncipes de Asturias: la corona de España
Spanish A2.37.4 The Princes of Asturias: the Crown of Spain
Los príncipes de Asturias: la corona de España
(The Princes of Asturias: the Crown of Spain)
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Find the words
Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.
Show answers Show hintsHints
The pianist , The prince , The actor , The princess , The actress , To dream of
Score: 0/6
La princesa | (The princess) |
El pianista | (The pianist) |
El actor | (The actor) |
Soñar con | (To dream of) |
El príncipe | (The prince) |
La actriz | (The actress) |
Exercise 2: Reorder sentences
Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.
Show answers Show translationExercise 3: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.
Show answersExercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.
Show translation
El pianista
(The pianist) |
El actor
(The actor) |
La princesa
(The princess) |
Soñar con
(To dream of) |
El príncipe
(The prince) |
Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal
Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.
Show answers Show translationSoñar (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo), Hacerse (Futuro simple, indicativo)
1. El próximo mes yo ... voluntario en la agencia de viajes.
2. Ellas ... socias del club de montañismo.
3. Ellos ... con realizar un evento increíble.
4. Tú ... médico en tres años.
5. Nosotros ... con vivir en una casa en el campo.
Exercise 6: Nouns and their gender
Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.
Show answers Show translationactor, director, periodista, pianista, actriz, principe
1. La hermana de mi amiga es la ... de mi serie favorita.
2. El ... vive en Suiza. Su hermana, la princesa, vive con él.
3. Marta es la ... más talentosa del mundo. Toca el piano desde que tiene 5 años.
4. Marta sueña con ser la mejor ... de la empresa. Le encanta el periodismo.
5. El ... tiene 50 años y ha hecho más de 20 películas.
6. Pedro siempre ha querido ser el ... de una película.
7. Pedro toca el piano. En el futuro él quiere ser el ... de famoso.
8. Mario quiere ser el ... de la empresa, pero no hay vacantes para periodistas.
Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.
Show answersAppendix 1: Extended vocabulary table
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 1,
Nouns: 6,
Sentences / word combination: 2
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Actor | Actor |
Directora | Film director |
El actor | The actor |
El director | The director |
El pianista | The pianist |
El príncipe | The prince |
Hacerse | Become |
Hacerte | Become |
La actriz | The actress |
La princesa | The princess |
Monarquía | Monarchy |
Querer ser | To want to be |
Querían ser | Wanted to be |
Querías ser | Did you want to be |
Soñaba con | Used to dream of |
Soñar con | To dream of |
Sueña con | Dreams of |
Símbolo | Symbol |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson
Soñar (to dream)
Exercises and examples phrases
- yo soñaba I was dreaming
- tú soñabas You used to dream
- él/ella soñaba he dreamed
- nosotros/nosotras soñábamos We used to dream
- vosotros/vosotras soñabais You all dreamed
- ellos/ellas soñaban They dreamed
Hacerse (to become)
Exercises and examples phrases
- yo me haré I will become
- tú te harás You will become
- él/ella se hará He/She will become
- nosotros/nosotras nos haremos we will become
- vosotros/vosotras os haréis You will become
- ellos/ellas se harán They will become
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.
Show answers Show translationSoñar (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo), Hacerse (Futuro simple, indicativo)
1. Ellas ... socias del club de montañismo.
2. Nosotros ... con vivir en una casa en el campo.
3. Ellos ... con realizar un evento increíble.
4. Pronto él ...? fotógrafo.
5. El próximo mes yo ... voluntario en la agencia de viajes.