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Vocabulary (3)

 Recibir (to receive) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Él recibe elogios por su papel como protagonista.


He receives praise for his role as the protagonist. Show



To receive Show

El cheque


The cheque Show

La tarjeta de crédito


The credit card Show


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


El cheque

The cheque


La tarjeta de crédito

The credit card



To receive

Exercise 3: Los tiempos del pasado (resumen)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

pensaba, dieron, habéis sido, ganábamos, has tenido, ha ganado, han premiado, han ganado

1. Ganar (Ellos):
Este mes ... premios por sus carreras.
(This month they have won awards for their careers.)
2. Dar (Vosotro):
Ayer os ... el premio por vuestro proyecto, ¿verdad?
(Yesterday you were given the prize for your project, weren't you?)
3. Ganar (Nosotras):
Antes siempre ... el premio a los estudiantes más talentosos.
(We always used to win the award for the most talented students.)
4. Ganar (Ella):
María ... muchos amigos por ser una persona trabajadora.
(María has gained many friends for being a hard-working person.)
5. Premiar (Ellos):
Esta semana ... a Julia por su buen trabajo.
(This week Julia has been awarded for her good work.)
6. Tener (Tú):
Ya ... éxito en tu carrera.
(You have already been successful in your career.)
7. Ser (Vosotras):
Desde siempre ... artistas talentosas.
(You have always been talented artists.)
8. Pensar (Yo):
En el pasado ... que algún día iba a ser famoso.
(In the past I thought that one day I was going to be famous.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (3): Verbs: 1, Nouns: 2,

Spanish English
El cheque The cheque
La tarjeta de crédito The credit card
Recibir To receive

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Ganar to win

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he ganado I have won
tú has ganado You have won
él/ella ha ganado He has won
nosotros/nosotras hemos ganado We have won
vosotros/vosotras habéis ganado You have won
ellos/ellas han ganado They have won

Exercises and examples phrases

Ganar to win

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo gané I won
tú ganaste You won
él/ella ganó he/she won
nosotros/nosotras ganamos we won
vosotros/vosotras ganasteis you won
ellos/ellas ganaron They won

Exercises and examples phrases

Ganar to win

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo ganaba I was winning
tú ganabas You were winning
él/ella ganaba he/she was winning
nosotros/nosotras ganábamos we won
vosotros/vosotras ganabais you (plural) won
ellos/ellas ganaban they won

Exercises and examples phrases

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