10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

A2.10 (Spanish lesson): Look at those flowers

Mira esas flores

A2.10 (Spanish lesson): Look at those flowers

Learning goals:

  • Aprende los nombres básicos de las flores (Learn the basic flowers' names)
  • Verb: Plantar (to plant) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Plantar (to plant) - Pretérito perfecto (Present Perfect)
  • Verb: Regalar (to gift) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Regalar (to gift) - Pretérito perfecto (Present Perfect)

Learning history

Module: Naturaleza y medio ambiente (Nature and environment)

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Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

The learning materials of this lesson are available for students who are registered in our conversation classes.

Core vocabulary (14)

 La rosa: The rose (Spanish)

La rosa

(The rose)

 El girasol: The sunflower (Spanish)

El girasol

(The sunflower)

 La margarita: The daisy (Spanish)

La margarita

(The daisy)

 La amapola: The poppy (Spanish)

La amapola

(The poppy)

 Plantar (to plant) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to plant)

 El tulipán: The tulip (Spanish)

El tulipán

(The tulip)

 El clavel: The carnation (Spanish)

El clavel

(The carnation)

 La orquídea: The orchid (Spanish)

La orquídea

(The orchid)

 El narciso: The daffodil (Spanish)

El narciso

(The daffodil)

 El jazmín: The jasmine (Spanish)

El jazmín

(The jasmine)

 El ramo de flores: The bouquet of flowers (Spanish)

El ramo de flores

(The bouquet of flowers)

 La floristería: The florist's (Spanish)

La floristería

(The florist's)

 El florero: The vase (Spanish)

El florero

(The vase)

 Regalar (to gift) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)


(to gift)

Lesson materials

Handouts, exercises and audio to discuss during conversation lessons.

A2.10.1 Pedro's Flower Garden

Ana y Pedro hablan sobre las flores que tienen en el jardín y en casa.

(Ana and Pedro talk about the flowers they have in the garden and at home.)

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes