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Spanish B1.18: Occupation: expectations and reality

Trabajo: expectativas y realidad

Vocabulary (12)

 Desempleado: Unemployed (Spanish)

Ella habría estudiado más si no estuviera desempleada.


She would have studied more if she weren't unemployed. Show



Unemployed Show

 Jubilado: Retired (Spanish)

Habría pintado más paisajes si fuera jubilada.


I would have painted more landscapes if I were retired. Show



Retired Show

 Tener estudios: To be educated (Spanish)

Si hubiera tenido estudios, habría conseguido un mejor trabajo.


If I had been educated, I would have gotten a better job. Show

Tener estudios


To be educated Show

 El ayudante: The assistant (Spanish)

Si hubiera estudiado más, ahora sería el ayudante en el bufete.


If I had studied more, now I would be the solicitor's assistant. Show

El ayudante


The assistant Show

 El departamento: The flat (Spanish)

Si hubiera tenido más tiempo, habría explorado el departamento.


If I had had more time, I would have explored the flat. Show

El departamento


The flat Show

 El bufete: The law firm (Spanish)

Si hubiera sido abogado, habría trabajado en el bufete.


If I had been a lawyer, I would have worked at the firm. Show

El bufete


The law firm Show

 El laboratorio: The laboratory (Spanish)

Si hubiera tenido tiempo, habría explorado el laboratorio.


If I had had time, I would have explored the laboratory. Show

El laboratorio


The laboratory Show

 El doctorado: The doctorate (Spanish)

Habría completado el doctorado si tuviera más tiempo.


I would have completed the doctorate if I had more time. Show

El doctorado


The doctorate Show

 Licenciado: graduate (Spanish)

Habría sido licenciado si no se hubiera equivocado.


He would have been a graduate if he hadn't made a mistake. Show



Graduate Show

 Despedir (to fire) - Verb conjugation and exercises

¿Tú despides a los invitados después del evento público?


Do you fire the guests after the public event? Show



To fire Show

 Equivocarse (to make a mistake) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nos equivocamos cuando analizamos el contenido de la noticia.


We were mistaken when we analysed the content of the news. Show



To make a mistake Show

 Experimentar (to experience) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Tú experimentas hacer un curso de jardinería en otoño.


You experience taking a gardening course in autumn. Show



To experience Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
si el | trabajo fuera | habrían aplicado | público. | Muchos licenciados
Muchos licenciados habrían aplicado si el trabajo fuera público.
(Many graduates would have applied if the job had been public.)
si no | Ella habría | estuviera desempleada. | estudiado más
Ella habría estudiado más si no estuviera desempleada.
(She would have studied more if she weren't unemployed.)
bufete. | en el | habría trabajado | sido abogado, | Si hubiera
Si hubiera sido abogado, habría trabajado en el bufete.
(If I had been a lawyer, I would have worked at the firm.)
las jubiladas | jardinería con | del club. | Hablaríamos de
Hablaríamos de jardinería con las jubiladas del club.
(We would talk about gardening with the retirees from the club.)
hubieran elegido | Si ellos | los bufetes. | otro camino, | trabajarían en
Si ellos hubieran elegido otro camino, trabajarían en los bufetes.
(If they had chosen another path, they would work in the firms.)
habría explorado | Si hubiera | el laboratorio. | tenido tiempo,
Si hubiera tenido tiempo, habría explorado el laboratorio.
(If I had had time, I would have explored the laboratory.)
más tiempo. | si tuviera | Habría completado | el doctorado
Habría completado el doctorado si tuviera más tiempo.
(I would have completed the doctorate if I had more time.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



To fire



To experience





El departamento

The flat


El doctorado

The doctorate

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

despedirías, despediríamos, despediría, nos habríamos despedido, despedirían, me habría despedido, os habríais despedido, se habría despedido

Si os hubierais subido al globo, ... de asia desde lo alto.
(If you had gotten on the balloon, you would have bid farewell to Asia from above.)
Él ... a sus amigos antes de marcharse con la caravana.
(He would fire his friends before leaving with the caravan.)
Si hubiéramos tendido buena conexión a internet, ... por video.
(If we had had a good internet connection, we would have said goodbye by video.)
Si fueras aficionado a la jardinería, ... las malas hierbas.
(You would fire the weeds.)
Si él hubiera explorado más, ... del continente.
(If he had explored more, he would have parted from the continent.)
Si hubiera tenido tiempo, ... de la maratón.
(If I had had time, I would have withdrawn from the marathon.)
Ellas ... la disciplina en el grupo de fotografía.
(They would fire the discipline in the photography group.)
... a los exploradores cuando se subieran al globo.
(We would fire the explorers when they boarded the balloon.)

Exercise 4: Condicional compuesto de indicativo

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

habríamos ayudado, habría aceptado, habría logrado, habría elegido, Habrías querido, habríais cometido, Habrías logrado, habría seguido

1. Elegir:
Mi abuelo ... otro trabajo pero ya está jubilado.
(My grandfather would have chosen another job but he is already retired.)
2. Seguir:
Yo ... como ayudante pero me despidieron.
(I would have continued as an assistant but they fired me.)
3. Lograr:
... ser licenciada en medicina pero tus padres no te ayudaron mucho.
(You would have managed to become a graduate in medicine but your parents did not help you much.)
4. Ayudar:
Nosotros ... en el departamento pero nos equivocamos de oficina.
(We would have helped in the department but we got the wrong office.)
5. Aceptar:
Mi tío no ... este puesto malo pero estaba desempleado por mucho tiempo.
(My uncle would not have accepted this bad position but he was unemployed for a long time.)
6. Cometer:
Vosotros ... un error en el laboratorio pero el jefe os ayudó.
(You would have made a mistake in the laboratory but the boss helped you.)
7. Querer:
... trabajar en el bufete pero no tuviste los estudios correctos para este puesto.
(You would have liked to work at the law firm but you didn't have the right qualifications for this position.)
8. Lograr:
Yo ... un mejor trabajo en el laboratorio pero no tengo doctorado.
(I would have landed a better job in the lab but I don't have a PhD.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (12): Verbs: 3, Adjectives: 3, Nouns: 5, Sentences / word combination: 1

Spanish English
Desempleado Unemployed
Despedir To fire
El ayudante The assistant
El bufete The law firm
El departamento The flat
El doctorado The doctorate
El laboratorio The laboratory
Equivocarse To make a mistake
Experimentar To experience
Jubilado Retired
Licenciado Graduate
Tener estudios To be educated

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Despedir to fire

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo despediría I would fire
tú despedirías you would fire
él/ella despediría He/she would fire
nosotros/nosotras despediríamos we would fire
vosotros/vosotras despediríais You would fire
ellos/ellas despedirían They would fire

Exercises and examples phrases

Despedir to fire

Condicional perfecto

Spanish English
yo me habría despedido I would have fired
tú te habrías despedido you would have fired
él/ella se habría despedido He/she would have fired
nosotros/nosotras nos habríamos despedido We would have fired
vosotros/vosotras os habríais despedido You would have fired yourselves
ellos/ellas se habrían despedido They would have fired

Exercises and examples phrases

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