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Spanish B1.19: Desires and wishes

Deseos y anhelos

Spanish B1.19: Desires and wishes

Learning goals:

  • Habla sobre deseos y anhelos no cumplidos. (Talk about unfullfilled wishes and desires.)

Learning module 3 (B1): Sueños (Dreams)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (10)

 Depender (to depend) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Él depende del doctorado para avanzar en su carrera.

(He depends on the doctorate to advance in his career.)


(To depend)

 La meta: The goal (Spanish)

Siempre tenía ilusión por alcanzar la meta de su carrera profesional.

(He always had the ambition to reach the goal of his professional career.)

La meta

(The goal)

 Tener ilusión: To have hope (Spanish)

Cuando era pequeña, siempre tenía la ilusión de tener una carrera profesional que mejorara la calidad de vida de muchas personas.

(When I was little, I always had the dream of having a professional career that would improve the quality of life for many people.)

Tener ilusión

(To have hope)

 Por suerte: Fortunately (Spanish)

Por suerte, siempre tenía ilusión por alcanzar la meta y nunca dependía de lo difícil que fuese mejorar su calidad de vida.

(Fortunately, he always had the enthusiasm to reach the goal and never relied on how difficult it was to improve his quality of life.)

Por suerte


 La paciencia: The patience (Spanish)

Cuando era joven, tenía la ilusión de que con la paciencia podría alcanzar mis metas más difíciles.

(When I was young, I had the illusion that with patience I could achieve my most difficult goals.)

La paciencia

(The patience)

 Fácil: Easy (Spanish)

Por suerte, esta carrera profesional era más fácil que la anterior.

(Fortunately, this career was easier than the previous one.)



 Difícil: Difficult (Spanish)

En el pasado, el trabajo era más difícil que ahora.

(In the past, work was more difficult than now.)



 La calidad de vida: The quality of life (Spanish)

Cuando era joven, tenía la ilusión de mejorar la calidad de vida de todos, pero ahora sé que depende de muchos factores y requiere mucha paciencia.

(When I was young, I had the dream of improving everyone's quality of life, but now I know that it depends on many factors and requires a lot of patience.)

La calidad de vida

(The quality of life)

 La carrera profesional: The professional career (Spanish)

Cuando era joven, soñaba con que mi carrera profesional mejorara la calidad de vida de mi familia, y ahora, por suerte, mi meta se ha hecho realidad.

(When I was young, I dreamed that my professional career would improve my family's quality of life, and now, luckily, my goal has become a reality.)

La carrera profesional

(The professional career)

 Personal: Personal (Spanish)

Él tenía un deseo personalísimo de mejorar la calidad de vida.

(He had a very personal desire to improve the quality of life.)



Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


Difficult , Fortunately , The professional career , The quality of life , The patience , The goal

e x m p o r s u e r t e u g j b i v l a p a c i e n c i a s r u t q o l a m e t a n p q v r x l a c a l i d a d d e v i d a e a l x v i d i f í c i l m w d r w k l a c a r r e r a p r o f e s i o n a l s k y


Score: 0/6

La calidad de vida (The quality of life)
Difícil (Difficult)
La meta (The goal)
Por suerte (Fortunately)
La carrera profesional (The professional career)
La paciencia (The patience)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. Personal
2. La paciencia
(The patience)
3. La meta
(The goal)
4. La calidad de vida
(The quality of life)
5. Tener ilusión
(To have hope)

Exercise 3: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Experimentar (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo), Depender (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo), Experimentar (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo), Depender (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo)

1. Yo ... con la jardinería en mi tiempo libre.

Yo experimentaba con la jardinería en mi tiempo libre.
(I experimented with gardening in my free time.)

2. Ayer ... con la temática del programa de televisión.

Ayer experimenté con la temática del programa de televisión.
(Yesterday, I experienced with the theme of the television programme.)

3. Tú ... el miedo al comunicar en público.

Tú experimentaste el miedo al comunicar en público.
(You experienced the fear of speaking in public.)

4. ... de la información del periódico para estar informado.

Dependí de la información del periódico para estar informado.
(I relied on the information from the newspaper to stay informed.)

5. Ellos ... distintas opiniones en el debate.

Ellos experimentaron distintas opiniones en el debate.
(They experienced different opinions in the debate.)

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (10): Verbs: 1, Adjectives: 3, Nouns: 2, Sentences / word combination: 4

Spanish English
Depender To depend
Difícil Difficult
Fácil Easy
La calidad de vida The quality of life
La carrera profesional The professional career
La meta The goal
La paciencia The patience
Personal Personal
Por suerte Fortunately
Tener ilusión To have hope

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Experimentar (to experience)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo experimenté I experienced
  • tú experimentaste you experienced
  • él/ella experimentó he/she experienced
  • nosotros/nosotras experimentamos we experienced
  • vosotros/vosotras experimentasteis You experienced
  • ellos/ellas experimentaron They experienced

Experimentar (to experience)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo experimentaba I was experiencing
  • tú experimentabas You were experiencing
  • él/ella experimentaba He/she was experiencing
  • nosotros/nosotras experimentábamos We experienced
  • vosotros/vosotras experimentabais you experienced
  • ellos/ellas experimentaban They were experiencing

Depender (to depend)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo dependí I depended
  • tú dependiste You depended
  • él/ella dependió he/she depended
  • nosotros/nosotras dependimos We depended
  • vosotros/vosotras dependisteis You (all) depended
  • ellos/ellas dependieron They depended

Depender (to depend)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo dependía I depended
  • tú dependías you depended
  • él/ella dependía he/she depended
  • nosotros/nosotras dependíamos we depended
  • vosotros/vosotras dependíais You depended
  • ellos/ellas dependían They depended

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Experimentar (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo), Depender (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo), Depender (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo), Experimentar (Pretérito imperfecto, indicativo)

1. Él ... de su portátil para redactar el documento.

Él dependió de su portátil para redactar el documento.
(He depended on his laptop to draft the document.)

2. Ayer ... con la temática del programa de televisión.

Ayer experimenté con la temática del programa de televisión.
(Yesterday I experimented with the theme of the television programme.)

3. Vosotros ... con técnicas de bricolaje en el club.

Vosotros experimentabais con técnicas de bricolaje en el club.
(You were experimenting with DIY techniques at the club.)

4. Él ... con las fotos para el periódico.

Él experimentaba con las fotos para el periódico.
(He experimented with the photos for the newspaper.)

5. Ellos ... del contenido del episodio para debatir sus puntos de vista.

Ellos dependieron del contenido del episodio para debatir sus puntos de vista.
(They depended on the content of the episode to debate their points of view.)