10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

A1.13 (Spanish lesson): Telling the time and reading the clock

Decir la hora y leer el reloj

A1.13 (Spanish lesson): Telling the time and reading the clock

Learning goals:

  • Preguntar y decir la hora (Ask and tell the time)
  • Lee el reloj (Read the clock)
  • Verb: Leer (to read) - Presente (Present)
  • Verb: Llegar (to arrive) - Presente (Present)
  • Grammar: ¿Cómo decir la hora? (How to tell the time?)
  • Culture: Los Relojes de Dalí (The Clocks of Dalí)

Learning history

Module: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

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Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Word list (26)

Core vocabulary (23): Verbs: 2, Interjection: 16, Nouns: 4, Sentences: 1
Context vocabulary: 3

Spanish English
De la madrugada In the early morning
De la mañana In the morning
De la noche At night
De la tarde In the afternoon
El mediodía The noon
El minuto The minute
En punto On the dot
Es la una It's one o'clock
La hora The time
La medianoche The midnight
Llegar To arrive
Marcan Show
Marcar To mark
Menos cinco Five to
Menos cuarto Quarter to
Menos diez Ten to
Menos veinte Twenty to
Relojes Watches
Son las It's
Tiempo Time
Y cinco And five
Y cuarto And a quarter
Y diez And ten
Y media Half past
Y veinte Twenty past
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?