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Spanish B1 module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)

This is learning module 6 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: B1

Learning goals:

  • Guía práctica para vivir en el extranjero. (A practical guide for living abroad.)
  • Conectores. (Linking words.)


Learning material Audio Actions
B1.38.2: Autónomo vs. empleado: ventajas y desafíos Self-employed vs. employee: advantages and challenges
Type: State structure
Chapter: Mudanza (Relocating)

Audio with translations

B1.39.1: Cuando los ladrillos se caen: la burbuja inmobiliaria del 2008 When the bricks fall: the 2008 real estate bubble
Type: History
Chapter: Visita inmobiliaria (Houseviewing)

Audio with translations

B1.40.2: España: Un país, muchos idiomas y acentos Spain: One country, many languages and accents
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Barrera lingüística (Language barrier)

Audio with translations

: "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", una película de Woody Allen "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", a film by Woody Allen
Type: Art
Chapter: Choque cultural (Culture shock)

B1.42.2: La Nochevieja en la Puerta del Sol New Year's Eve at the Puerta del Sol
Type: Architecture
Chapter: Una nueva rutina (A new routine)

Audio with translations

: Conociendo gente el la Feria de Abril Meeting people at the Feria de Abril
Type: Celebrations
Chapter: Integración y entorno social (Integration and social network)

: La Albufera de Valencia The Albufera of Valencia
Type: Geography
Chapter: Nostalgia del hogar (Homesickness)

B1.45.2: La cita previa The appointment system
Type: State structure
Chapter: Gestión de la burocracia (Handling bureaucracy)

Audio with translations