Spanish B1 module 6: Vivir en el extranjero (Living abroad)
This is learning module 6 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: B1
Learning goals:
- Guía práctica para vivir en el extranjero. (A practical guide for living abroad.)
- Conectores. (Linking words.)
Word list (137)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 17,
Adjectives: 8,
Nouns: 43,
Sentences / word combination: 17
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A cargo de la empresa | Paid for by the company |
Adaptarme | Adapt myself |
Adaptarse | To adjust |
Además | Also |
Ascender | Advance |
Autónomos | Self-employed |
Callado | Quiet |
Cambiar de casa | To move house |
Caseros | Landlords |
Charlar | Have a chat |
Chistes | Jokes |
Como | Like |
Comparar | To compare |
Común | Normal |
Conocidos | Acquaintances |
Corregir | To correct |
Cuando | When |
Cuyo | Whose |
Cuándo | When |
Cómo | How do |
DNI | ID |
Dar un paseo | Go for a walk |
Desconocidos | Strangers |
Diferencias | Differences |
Dificultades | Difficulties |
Director ejecutivo | Chief executive |
Donde | Where |
Dónde | Where |
Echar en falta | To miss |
Echo en falta | I miss |
Edificios de apartamentos | Apartment buildings |
Ejercer | To exercise |
El Documento Nacional de Identidad | The National Identity Document |
El apoyo | The support |
El ascenso | The Ascent |
El aumento | The increase |
El barrio | The neighbourhood |
El bloque de pisos | The block of flats |
El cambio | The change |
El casero | The landlord |
El chiste | The joke |
El compañero de trabajo | The work colleague |
El conocido | The acquaintance |
El consulado | The consulate |
El desconocido | The stranger |
El director | The managing director |
El dueño | The owner |
El edificio de apartamentos | The block of flats |
El empleo | The employment |
El funcionario | The civil servant |
El grupo | The group |
El horario | The timetable |
El interés | The interest |
El portero | The caretaker |
El propietario | The owner |
El que | The one who |
El sustituto | The substitute |
El tema | The topic |
El transporte | The transport |
El traslado | The Relocation |
El visado | The visa |
Empleados | Employees |
En el centro | In the city centre |
Entender | Understand |
Explicar | To explain |
Formación | Training |
Frases | Expressions |
Gritar | To shout |
Grupo de amigos | Group of friends |
Grupo de personas | Group of people |
Hablador | Talkative |
Inseguro | Insecure |
Introvertida | Introverted |
Introvertido | Introverted |
La adaptación | The adaptation |
La burocracia | The bureaucracy |
La cita previa | The prior appointment |
La diferencia | The difference |
La dificultad | The difficulty |
La emoción | The emotion |
La explicación | The Explanation |
La facilidad | The ease |
La frase | The phrase |
La matrícula | The enrollment |
La motivación | The motivation |
La mudanza | The Move |
La organización | The organisation |
La palabra | The word |
La posibilidad de promoción | The possibility of promotion |
La prioridad | The priority |
La soledad | Loneliness |
La tristeza | The sadness |
La zona | The area |
Las afueras | The outskirts |
Las citas previas | Pre-booked appointments |
Las horas extra | The overtime |
Las normas sociales | Social norms |
Llamar | To call |
Llorar | To cry |
Los valores | The values |
Luminoso | Bright |
Mantenerse ocupado | To keep oneself busy |
Mantengo ocupado | Keep myself busy |
Medianoche | Midnight |
Moverse | To move around |
Mudarse | Move house |
Nostálgico | Nostalgic |
Ofrecer | To offer |
Pero | But |
Pisos | Flats |
Por eso | That's why |
Porque | As |
Prioridades | Priorities |
Propietarios | Homeowners |
Quien | Who |
Quienes | Who |
Repetir | To repeat |
Se corrigen | They correct |
Se da cuenta | Realises |
Se grita | She shouts |
Se lava | Washes |
Se le cayó | He dropped it |
Se me olvidó | I forgot |
Se prepara | He prepares |
Se queda | She remains |
Se ríen | They laugh |
Sentir | To feel |
Sentirme | Feel |
Sentirse solo | To feel lonely |
Sin ánimos | Spiritless |
Solicitar | Book |
Tener suerte | To be lucky |
Todavía | I still |
Tradicional | Traditional |
Variaciones | Variations |
Ya | Already |
Zonas residenciales | Residential areas |