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Spanish B1.27: Self-care and mindfulness

Cuidado personal y atención plena

Vocabulary (13)



To breathe Show

 Estresado: Stressed (Spanish)

Ella está más estresada porque no se encontró con el psicólogo.


She is more stressed because she didn't meet with the psychologist. Show



Stressed Show

 La depresión: The depression (Spanish)

La depresión se combate con autocuidado mental diario.


Depression is tackled with daily mental self-care. Show

La depresión


The depression Show

 El psicólogo: The psychologist (Spanish)

La psicóloga trabaja para cuidar la salud mental.


The psychologist works to take care of mental health. Show

El psicólogo


The psychologist Show

 El amor propio: Self-love (Spanish)

El amor propio es vital porque mejora nuestra salud mental.


Self-love is vital because it improves our mental health. Show

El amor propio


Self-love Show

 Darse cuenta: To realize (Spanish)

Se dio cuenta de la necesidad de descansar para estar mentalmente bien.


He realized the need to rest to be mentally well. Show

Darse cuenta


To realize Show

 Mental: Mental (Spanish)

La salud mental es fundamental para vivir una vida plena y serena.


Mental health is essential for living a full and serene life. Show



Mental Show

 La enfermedad: The illness (Spanish)

Darse cuenta de la enfermedad es esencial para cuidarse.


Realising the illness is essential for self-care. Show

La enfermedad


The illness Show

 Mentalmente: Mentally (Spanish)

Mentalmente, se siente fuerte porque practica el autocuidado diario.


Mentally, he feels strong because he practices daily self-care. Show



Mentally Show

 El autocuidado: Self-care (Spanish)

Es importante practicar el autocuidado para evitar el estrés.


It is important to practice self-care to avoid stress. Show

El autocuidado


Self-care Show

 La necesidad: The need (Spanish)

La necesidad de mentalmente desconectar es importante para el autocuidado.


The need to mentally disconnect is important for self-care. Show

La necesidad


The need Show

 Recibir (to receive) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Él recibe la pastilla.


He receives the tablet. Show



To receive Show

 Encontrarse (to find oneself) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Os encontráis con ganas de visitar la clínica.


You feel like visiting the clinic. Show



To find oneself Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
vital porque | mejora nuestra | propio es | salud mental. | El amor
El amor propio es vital porque mejora nuestra salud mental.
(Self-love is vital because it improves our mental health.)
noticias. | recibido malas | porque ha | Ana se | siente estresada
Ana se siente estresada porque ha recibido malas noticias.
(Ana feels stressed because she has received bad news.)
creen en | el autocuidado. | Las psicólogas | colaboran porque
Las psicólogas colaboran porque creen en el autocuidado.
(The psychologists collaborate because they believe in self-care.)
trabaja para | La psicóloga | salud mental. | cuidar la
La psicóloga trabaja para cuidar la salud mental.
(The psychologist works to take care of mental health.)
estrés. | Es importante | autocuidado para | practicar el | evitar el
Es importante practicar el autocuidado para evitar el estrés.
(It is important to practice self-care to avoid stress.)
ayudar a | El doctor | mental para | pacientes. | su bienestar | siempre cuida
El doctor siempre cuida su bienestar mental para ayudar a pacientes.
(The doctor always looks after his mental well-being to help patients.)
enfermedad mental. | tiene una | Juan está | estresado porque
Juan está estresado porque tiene una enfermedad mental.
(Juan is stressed because he has a mental illness.)

Exercise 2: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. El amor propio es vital porque mejora nuestra salud mental.
Self-love is vital because it improves our mental health.
2. Ana se siente estresada porque ha recibido malas noticias.
Ana feels stressed because she has received bad news.
3. Las psicólogas colaboran porque creen en el autocuidado.
The psychologists collaborate because they believe in self-care.
4. La psicóloga trabaja para cuidar la salud mental.
The psychologist works to take care of mental health.
5. Es importante practicar el autocuidado para evitar el estrés.
It is important to practice self-care to avoid stress.
6. El doctor siempre cuida su bienestar mental para ayudar a pacientes.
The doctor always looks after his mental well-being to help patients.
7. Juan está estresado porque tiene una enfermedad mental.
Juan is stressed because he has a mental illness.
8. Mentalmente, se siente fuerte porque practica el autocuidado diario.
Mentally, he feels strong because he practices daily self-care.

Exercise 3: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


Darse cuenta

To realize


El psicólogo

The psychologist


La necesidad

The need



To receive




Exercise 4: Contrast between "porque" and "para"

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

para, porque

Me siento menos estresado ... estoy practicando el autocuidado regularmente.
(I feel less stressed because I am practising self-care regularly.)
Asisto a sesiones de terapia grupal ... encontrar apoyo y aprender a gestionar el estrés.
(I attend group therapy sessions to find support and learn to manage stress.)
María tomó la decisión de descansar ... se dio cuenta de la necesidad de cuidar su salud mental.
(María made the decision to rest because she realised the need to take care of her mental health.)
Juan se apunta a un curso de meditación ... aprender técnicas de autocuidado y mejorar su amor propio.
(Juan signs up for a meditation course to learn self-care techniques and improve his self-love.)
Estoy leyendo un libro sobre bienestar emocional ... quiero entender mejor las enfermedades mentales.
(I am reading a book about emotional well-being because I want to better understand mental illnesses.)
El médico le recomendó hacer ejercicio diario ... encontrarse mejor tanto físicamente como mentalmente.
(The doctor recommended doing daily exercise to feel better both physically and mentally.)
Voy al psicólogo ... superar mi depresión y encontrarme mejor mentalmente.
(I go to the psychologist to overcome my depression and feel better mentally.)
Pablo dejó el trabajo que lo hacía sentir estresado ... priorizó su salud mental.
(Pablo quit the job that made him feel stressed because he prioritised his mental health.)

Exercise 5: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Mentally, he feels strong because he practices daily self-care.
Mentalmente, se siente fuerte porque practica el autocuidado diario.
2. It is important to practice self-care to avoid stress.
Es importante practicar el autocuidado para evitar el estrés.
3. The psychologists collaborate because they believe in self-care.
Las psicólogas colaboran porque creen en el autocuidado.
4. Self-love is vital because it improves our mental health.
El amor propio es vital porque mejora nuestra salud mental.
5. The doctor always looks after his mental well-being to help patients.
El doctor siempre cuida su bienestar mental para ayudar a pacientes.

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (13): Verbs: 3, Adjectives: 2, Adverbs: 1, Nouns: 5, Sentences / word combination: 2

Spanish English
Darse cuenta To realize
El amor propio Self-love
El autocuidado Self-care
El psicólogo The psychologist
Encontrarse To find oneself
Estresado Stressed
La depresión The depression
La enfermedad The illness
La necesidad The need
Mental Mental
Mentalmente Mentally
Recibir To receive
Respirar To breathe

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