10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

Learning history and recap exercises: A2.5

It is assumed the student knows the vocabulary and grammar as listed on this page before following the current lesson.

Module 1: Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (current)

Module: Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

The word list of the current learning module is the most important to revise before following this lesson.

Spanish English
Terminales Terminals
Siga Follow my colleague to the security check.
Seguir To follow
Póngase cómodo Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the flight.
Pónganse cómodo Make yourselves comfortable during the journey.
Ponerse cómodo To make yourself comfortable
La instrucción The instruction
La azafata The flight attendant
Instrucciones Instructions
Facturar Good afternoon, do I have to check in my luggage here?
Facturan They check in their luggage.
El piloto The pilot
El pasaporte The passport
El mostrador The counter
El control de seguridad Security check
El cinturón de seguridad The seatbelt
El carné de identidad The identity card
El aeropuerto The airport
Aviones Planes
Abróchense Fasten your seat belts
Abrocharse To fasten
Abrocharme Fasten my
Viajeros Travellers
Reserva Book
La pensión completa The full board
La media pensión The half board
La habitación individual The single room
La habitación doble The double room
Incluido Included
Haz la reserva Then, make the reservation for the double room for two nights.
Hacer una reserva To make a reservation
Hacen una reserva They make a reservation
Habitaciones individuales Single rooms
Habitaciones Rooms
El hostal The hostel
El camping The campsite
El alojamiento The accommodation
Confirmar To confirm
Confirma It confirms
Buscar Look for
Buscan They are looking for something with single rooms.
Albergue Hostel
Vuelto Returned
Visto I have not seen your bag
Roto Broken
Puesto Put
Muerto Died
Maletas Suitcases
Llenar Filling the suitcases
Las gafas de sol The sunglasses
La toalla The towel
La ropa interior The underwear
La mochila The backpack
La maleta The suitcase
La gorra The baseball cap
Hecho Done
Escrito Written
El equipaje The luggage
El bolso The bag
El biquini The bikini
El bañador The swimsuit
Dicho Told
Deshacer Unpack the suitcase
Cubierto Covered
Abierto Opened
Visitar Visit
Viajar To travel
Viaja He travels
Turistas Tourists
Tienes planes Do you have plans
Tiene planes He has plans
Tener planes To have plans
Relajarse To relax
Relajado Relaxed
Lugares turísticos Tourist destinations
La oficina de turismo The tourism office
La excursión The excursion
La agencia de viajes The travel agency
Hasta To
Hacen una excursión They go on an excursion
Excursiones guiadas Guided tours
El vuelo The flight
El viaje The journey
El turista The tourist
El guía turístico The tour guide
Desde Since
Comprar un billete Buy a ticket
Compran un billete They buy a ticket
Agencias de viajes Travel agencies