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A2.41 (Spanish lesson): Healthy food and habits

Alimentación y hábitos saludables

A2.41 (Spanish lesson): Healthy food and habits

Learning goals:

  • Situation: Habla sobre hábitos alimenticios saludables (Talk about healthy eating habits)
  • Verb: Gustar (to like) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)
  • Verb: Querer (to want) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)
  • Verb: Deber (to owe) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)
  • Grammar: El condicional simple: expresar la intención de hacer algo (The simple conditional: expressing the intention to do something)
  • Culture: El aceite de oliva (Olive oil)

Learning module 6 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (13)

 La dieta: The diet (Spanish)

Si siguiera una dieta equilibrada, estaría más sano.

(If I followed a balanced diet, I would be healthier.)

La dieta

(The diet)

 Equilibrado: Balanced (Spanish)

Los menús más equilibrados harían que comer fuera más saludable.

(The more balanced menus would make eating out healthier.)



 Menos: Less (Spanish)

Si comiera menos patatas fritas y más verduras, estaría más sano.

(If I ate fewer crisps and more vegetables, I would be healthier.)



 Más: More (Spanish)

Si comiera más sano, podría tener un estilo de vida más saludable.

(If I ate more healthily, I could have a healthier lifestyle.)



 Sano: Healthy (Spanish)

Dormiríamos bien para estar sanísima.

(We would sleep well to be very healthy.)



 Saludable: Healthy (Spanish)

Si todos los pinchos fueran saludables, serían saludabilísimos.

(If all the snacks were healthy, they would be the healthiest.)



 Ser vegetariano: Being vegetarian (Spanish)

Si fueras vegetariano, tal vez probarías más recetas saludables y equilibradas para mantener un estilo de vida sano.

(If you were vegetarian, you might try more healthy and balanced recipes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.)

Ser vegetariano

(Being vegetarian)

 La merienda: The snack (Spanish)

Si tomaras una merienda equilibrada todos los días, seguirías llevando un estilo de vida más saludable.

(If you were to have a balanced tea every day, you would continue leading a healthier lifestyle.)

La merienda

(The snack)

 Típico: Typical (Spanish)

Este desayuno es típicaísima en su dieta, así que deberías probarlo.

(This breakfast is very typical in their diet, so you should try it.)



 El refresco: The soft drink (Spanish)

Si llevamos una dieta equilibrada, tomaríamos el refresco solo en ocasiones especiales.

(If we follow a balanced diet, we would have the soft drink only on special occasions.)

El refresco

(The soft drink)

 Merendar (to have a snack) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)

Yo meriendo una ración de las patatas bravas.

(I have a snack of patatas bravas.)


(To have a snack)

 Pesarse (to weigh oneself) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)

Te pesas antes de salir con tus amigos.

(You weigh yourself before going out with your friends.)


(To weigh oneself)

 Deber (to owe) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)

Él debe asistir a todas las clases de historia.

(He must attend all the history classes.)


(To owe)

Word list (32)

Core vocabulary (13): Verbs: 3, Adjectives: 4, Adverbs: 2, Interjection: 1, Nouns: 3,
Context vocabulary: 19

Spanish English
Aceite de oliva Olive oil
Bebería I would drink
Comeríamos We would eat
Deber To owe
Debería I should
Deberíamos We should
El refresco The soft drink
Equilibrada Balanced
Equilibrado Balanced
La dieta The diet
La merienda The snack
Me gustaría I would like
Menos Fewer
Merendar Have for tea
Meriendas Snacks
Más More
Nos gustaría We would like
Pesarse To weigh oneself
Preferiría I would prefer
Preferirían They would prefer
Querría Would like
Refrescos Soft drinks
Saludable Healthy
Saludables Healthy
Sana Healthy
Sano Healthy
Se pesa He weighs himself
Ser vegetariana Being vegetarian
Ser vegetariano Being vegetarian
Tendríais que You would have to
Típica Typical
Típico Typical