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Vocabulary (3)

El anuncio


The announcement Show

La publicidad


The advertising Show

El barrio


The neighbourhood Show


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!

A2.26.1 Gramática

"Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

"Acabar de" + infinitive: express a recently completed action.


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


El barrio

The neighbourhood


El anuncio

The announcement


La publicidad

The advertising

Exercise 2: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

salgo, sales, salimos, sale, salen, salís

Yo ... de la oficina y voy a la playa.
(I leave the office and go to the beach.)
Tú ... de la casa y caminas por el bosque.
(You leave the house and walk through the forest.)
Ellos ... a salvar la naturaleza de la contaminación.
(They go out to save nature from pollution.)
Vosotros ... al campo para plantar girasoles.
(You all go out to the countryside to plant sunflowers.)
Ella ... temprano para subir la montaña.
(She leaves early to climb the mountain.)
Nosotros ... del hotel después de hacer el check out.
(We leave the hotel after checking out.)

Exercise 3: "Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

Acaban de, acabamos de, Acabo de, Acabamos de, acaban de, Acabáis de, ¿Acabas de, Acaba de

1. Ellas:
... contarme una historia increíble.
(They have just told me an incredible story.)
2. Vosotras:
... enteraros de algo inesperado.
(You have just found out something unexpected.)
3. Ellos:
Hace unos momentos ... pensar en todo lo increíble que ha pasado.
(A few moments ago they just thought about all the incredible things that have happened.)
4. Yo:
... ver a tu madre.
(I've just seen your mum.)
5. Nosotros:
... vivir una sorpresa.
(We have just had a surprise.)
6. Nosotras:
Hace dos minutos ... llevarnos un susto.
(Two minutes ago we just had a scare.)
7. Tú:
... notar mi regalo?
(Have you just noticed my present?)
8. Él:
... enterarse de un evento sorprendente.
(He/She has just found out about a surprising event.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (3): Nouns: 3,

Spanish English
El anuncio The announcement
El barrio The neighbourhood
La publicidad The advertising

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Salir to leave / to go out


Spanish English
yo salgo I go out
tú sales you go out
él/ella sale he/she goes out
nosotros/nosotras salimos We go out
vosotros/vosotras salís You lot go out
ellos/ellas salen They go out

Exercises and examples phrases

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