10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

A2.11 (Spanish lesson): The different sides of nature

Las diferentes caras de la naturaleza

A2.11 (Spanish lesson): The different sides of nature

Learning goals:

  • Expresa tu admiración y asco (Express your admiration and disgust)
  • Hablar sobre las diferentes facetas de la naturaleza (Talk about the different sides of nature)
  • Verb: Respirar (to breathe) - Presente (Present)

Learning history

Module: Naturaleza y medio ambiente (Nature and environment)

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Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Word snake

Instruction: Find and mark the following words: Pleasant, Unpleasant, The smell, To admire, Disgusting, To breathe

p t s a g r a d a b l e e h p f h b e l o l o r h f l q p o r e s p i r a r i m q i j w d e s a g r a d a b l e i g a o r k a s q u e r o s o m a f k n l a d m i r a r t x n


Score: 0/6

Agradable (Pleasant)
El olor (The smell)
Respirar (To breathe)
Desagradable (Unpleasant)
Asqueroso (Disgusting)
Admirar (To admire)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation

Exercise 3: Translations

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. Bonito
2. Desagradable
3. Interesante
4. Natural
5. Asqueroso
6. Respirar
(To breathe)
7. Admirar
(To admire)
8. El olor
(The smell)
9. Agradable
10. Fascinante

Exercise 4: Translations

Instruction: Translate the phrases below.

Exercise 5: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

respiro, respiráis, respiran, respiramos, respiras, respira

1. Yo ... profundamente antes de plantar el roble.

Yo respiro profundamente antes de plantar el roble.
(I breathe deeply before planting the oak.)

2. Él ... hondo antes de hacer una excursión.

Él respira hondo antes de hacer una excursión.
(He breathes deeply before going on a hike.)

3. Vosotros ... con alivio después de facturar el equipaje.

Vosotros respiráis con alivio después de facturar el equipaje.
(You breathe with relief after checking in the luggage.)

4. Nosotros ... tranquilos al reservar la habitación doble.

Nosotros respiramos tranquilos al reservar la habitación doble.
(We breathe easy after booking the double room.)

5. Ellos ... satisfechos al comprar un billete para el vuelo.

Ellos respiran satisfechos al comprar un billete para el vuelo.
(They breathe satisfied when buying a ticket for the flight.)

6. Tú ... aire fresco cuando visitas la oficina de turismo.

Tú respiras aire fresco cuando visitas la oficina de turismo.
(You breathe fresh air when you visit the tourist office.)

Exercise 6: Translations

Instruction: Translate the phrases below.