Learning goals:
- Situation: Aprende a usar el transporte público (Learn how to use the public transportation)
- Situation: Diferentes formas de transporte (Different ways of transportation)
- Verb: Coger (to take) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)
- Verb: Volar (to fly) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)
- Verb: Irse (to leave) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)
- Grammar: Preposiciones de lugar: movimiento y ubicación (Prepositions of place: movement and location)
- Culture: El tren de alta velocidad: el AVE de España (The high-speed train: Spain's AVE)
Learning module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)
Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes
Listening materials
Video, audio, exercises and worksheets available.
A1.42.1 Diálogo: Viaje a la ciudad
A1.42.1 Spanish dialogue: Trip to the city
Pedro y Ana hablan sobre cómo ir a la ciudad. Usan diferentes transportes como el tranvía, el autobús y el tren.
(Pedro and Ana talk about how to go to the city. They use different transports like the tram, the bus, and the train.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A1.42.2 Gramática: Preposiciones de lugar: movimiento y ubicación
A1.42.2 Spanish grammar: Prepositions of place: movement and location
(Prepositions are words that indicate the position or location of an object, person, or place in relation to others.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A1.42.3 Cuento corto: El viaje de Sofía.
A1.42.3 Spanish short story: Sophia's trip.
Sofía recorre España utilizando varios medios de transporte para explorar ciudades y disfrutar de sus paisajes.
(Sofía travels around Spain using various means of transport to explore cities and enjoy their landscapes.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
A1.42.4 Cultura: El tren de alta velocidad: el AVE de España
A1.42.4 Spanish culture: The high-speed train: Spain's AVE
El AVE es el tren de alta velocidad en España. Es famoso por su rapidez y conecta ciudades como Madrid y Barcelona desde 1992.
(The AVE is the high-speed train in Spain. It is famous for its speed and has connected cities like Madrid and Barcelona since 1992.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes