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A1.38 (Spanish lesson): Everyday services

Servicios cotidianos

A1.38 (Spanish lesson): Everyday services

Learning goals:

  • Situation: Hablar sobre los servicios cotidianos (Talk about everyday services)
  • Situation: Servicios básicos de la ciudad (Basic city services )
  • Verb: Usar (to use) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)
  • Verb: Pasar (to pass) - Presente, indicativo (Present, indicative)
  • Grammar: El participio como adjetivo y uso con "estar" (The participle as an adjective and usage with "estar")
  • Culture: La Biblioteca Nacional de España (The National Library of Spain)

Learning module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (17)

 El hospital: The hospital (Spanish)

El hospital está limpio.

(The hospital is clean.)

El hospital

(The hospital)

 Las urgencias: The emergencies (Spanish)

Las urgencias están ocupadas porque hay muchas personas.

(The emergency departments are busy because there are many people.)

Las urgencias

(The emergencies)

 La farmacia: The pharmacy (Spanish)

Las farmacias también venden botiquines básicos.

(Pharmacies also sell basic first aid kits.)

La farmacia

(The pharmacy)

 La escuela: The school (Spanish)

La escuela está cerrada hoy porque es un día festivo.

(The school is closed today because it is a holiday.)

La escuela

(The school)

 La oficina de correos: The post office (Spanish)

La oficina de correos está cerrada porque es domingo.

(The post office is closed because it is Sunday.)

La oficina de correos

(The post office)

 La gasolinera: The gas station (Spanish)

Las gasolineras están abiertas durante el día.

(The petrol stations are open during the day.)

La gasolinera

(The gas station)

 La comisaría: The police station (Spanish)

La comisaría siempre está abierta para emergencias.

(The police station is always open for emergencies.)

La comisaría

(The police station)

 La peluquería: The hairdresser's (Spanish)

La escuela está al lado de la peluquería.

(The school is next to the hairdresser's.)

La peluquería

(The hairdresser's)

 La biblioteca: The library (Spanish)


La biblioteca

(The library)

 La oficina: The office (Spanish)

La oficina está organizada.

(The office is organized.)

La oficina

(The office)

 La universidad: The university (Spanish)

Las universidades están cerradas porque es fin de semana.

(The universities are closed because it is the weekend.)

La universidad

(The university)

 La panadería: The bakery (Spanish)

La panadería solo abre por las mañanas.

(The bakery is only open in the mornings.)

La panadería

(The bakery)

 El gimnasio: The gym (Spanish)

El gimnasio está cerrado hoy.

(The gym is closed today.)

El gimnasio

(The gym)

 La cafetería: The cafeteria (Spanish)

Laura trabaja en una cafetería.

(Laura works in a café.)

La cafetería

(The cafeteria)

 Usar (to use) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)

Ellos usan ropa cómoda para pasear a la mascota.

(They wear comfortable clothes to walk the pet.)


(To use)

 Pasar (to pass) - conjugation and tenses - (Spanish)

Yo paso los vasos a la cocina.

(I take the glasses to the kitchen.)


(To pass)

 El banco: The bank (Spanish)

Está sentado en el banco esperando a su amigo.

(He is sitting in the bank waiting for his friend.)

El banco

(The bank)

Word list (34)

Core vocabulary (17): Verbs: 2, Nouns: 15,
Context vocabulary: 17

Spanish English
Abierta Open
Abiertos Open
Alquilada Rented
Bibliotecas Libraries
Cerrada Closed
Cerradas Closed
El banco The bank
El gimnasio The gym
El hospital The hospital
La biblioteca The library
La cafetería The cafeteria
La comisaría The police station
La escuela The school
La farmacia The pharmacy
La gasolinera The gas station
La oficina The office
La oficina de correos The post office
La panadería The bakery
La peluquería The hairdresser's
La universidad The university
Las urgencias The emergencies
Organizada Organised
Pasa He/she/it passes
Pasamos Shall we pass
Pasan They pass
Pasar To pass
Preparadas Prepared
Preparado Prepared
Usa Uses
Usada Used
Usan They use
Usar To use
Uso I use
Vendido Sold