10K+ students - 4.8/5
Spanish vocabulary and word list on A2 level for usage during our conversation courses or self study (audio course included).
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 97,
Adjectives: 68,
Adverbs: 14,
Interjection: 17,
Nouns: 253,
Sentences / word combination: 34
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A menudo | Often |
Abrocharse | To fasten |
Académico | Academic |
Aceptar | To accept |
Acordarse | To remember |
Adivinar | To guess |
Admirar | To admire |
Africano | African |
Agradable | Pleasant |
Al final | In the end |
Al principio | At first |
Alejarse | To move away |
Alguno | Some |
Alimentar | To feed |
Alquilado | Rented |
Amable | Kind |
Amar | To love |
Andar | To walk |
Anteayer | The day before yesterday |
Anterior | Previous |
Anteriormente | Previously |
Antes | Before |
Aparecer | To appear |
Aplicar | To apply |
Apoyarse | To support oneself |
Aprender | To learn |
Aprobar | To pass |
Arriesgarse | To take a risk |
Asistir | To attend |
Bonito | Pretty |
Bueno | Good |
Buscar | To search |
Caber | To fit |
Caminar | To walk |
Cancelado | Cancelled |
Casarse | To marry |
Cometer un error | To make a mistake |
Completar | To complete |
Comprar un billete | Buy a ticket |
Comprender | To understand |
Comprobar | To check |
Comunicarse | To communicate |
Conectarse | To connect |
Confiar | To trust |
Confirmado | Confirmed |
Confirmar | To confirm |
Contestar | To answer |
Contratar | To hire |
Cooperar | To cooperate |
Crear | To create |
Creativo | Creative |
Creer | To believe |
Cuento de hadas | Fairy tale |
Cumplir deseos | Making dreams come true |
Cómodo | Comfortable |
De repente | All of a sudden |
Deber | To owe |
Decidir | To decide |
Demasiado | Too much |
Desagradable | Unpleasant |
Desaparecer | To disappear |
Descansar | To rest |
Desconectarse | To disconnect |
Describir | To describe |
Desear | To desire |
Deshacer | To unpack |
Después | Afterwards |
Diferente | Different |
Digital | Digital |
Discutir | To argue |
Disponible | Available |
Divertido | Fun |
Divertirse | To enjoy oneself |
Divorciarse | To divorce |
Dudar | To doubt |
Dudoso | Doubtful |
Durante | During |
Echar de menos | To miss |
El actor | The actor |
El adolescente | The teenager |
El adulto | The adult |
El aeropuerto | The airport |
El alojamiento | The accommodation |
El amigo | The friend |
El amor | The love |
El animal | The animal |
El anuncio | The announcement |
El año pasado | Last year |
El barrio | The neighbourhood |
El bañador | The swimsuit |
El bebé | The baby |
El beneficio | The benefit |
El biquini | The bikini |
El bolso | The bag |
El bosque | The forest |
El buitre | The vulture |
El búho | The owl |
El caballo | The horse |
El camino | The path |
El camping | The campsite |
El campo | The countryside |
El cariño | Affection |
El carné de conducir | The driving licence |
El carné de identidad | The identity card |
El carril bici | The cycle lane |
El cerdo | The pig |
El certificado | The certificate |
El cheque | The cheque |
El cielo | The sky |
El ciervo | The deer |
El cinturón de seguridad | The seatbelt |
El clavel | The carnation |
El cliente | The client |
El comienzo | The beginning |
El compañero | The teammate |
El compromiso | The commitment |
El consejo | The advice |
El contrato | The contract |
El control de seguridad | Security check |
El cuento | The story |
El currículum | The CV |
El curso | The course |
El deseo | The desire |
El desierto | The desert |
El despacho | The office |
El destinatario | The recipient |
El diploma | The diploma |
El elefante | The elephant |
El email | The email |
El entrenamiento | The training |
El equipaje | The luggage |
El equipamiento | The equipment |
El espacio | Space |
El esposo | The husband |
El este | The east |
El final | The end |
El florero | The vase |
El funcionario | The civil servant |
El futuro | The future |
El gallo | The rooster |
El girasol | The sunflower |
El guía turístico | The tour guide |
El hostal | The hostel |
El jamón | The ham |
El jazmín | The jasmine |
El jefe | The boss |
El juguete | The toy |
El lago | The lake |
El león | The lion |
El lobo | The wolf |
El líder | The leader |
El mapa | The map |
El mar | The sea |
El medioambiente | The environment |
El mes pasado | Last month |
El mono | The monkey |
El mosquito | The mosquito |
El mostrador | The counter |
El mundo | The world |
El narciso | The daffodil |
El negocio | The business |
El norte | The north |
El novio | The boyfriend |
El objetivo | The objective |
El océano | The ocean |
El oeste | The west |
El pasaporte | The passport |
El pato | The duck |
El perfil | The profile |
El periodo | The period |
El personaje | The character |
El pianista | The pianist |
El pico | The peak |
El piloto | The pilot |
El pincho | The skewer |
El pino | The pine |
El plan | The plan |
El planeta | The planet |
El practicante | The trainee |
El problema | The problem |
El programa | The programme |
El proyecto | The project |
El príncipe | The prince |
El puesto de trabajo | The job position |
El ramo de flores | The bouquet of flowers |
El recepcionista | The receptionist |
El recuerdo | The memory |
El refresco | The soft drink |
El requisito | The requirement |
El riesgo | The risk |
El roble | The oak |
El río | The river |
El salario | The salary |
El secreto | The secret |
El seguro de viaje | The travel insurance |
El sello | The stamp |
El servicio | The service |
El siglo | The century |
El sueño | The dream |
El sur | The south |
El teletrabajo | The teleworking |
El teléfono | The telephone |
El tigre | The tiger |
El toro | The bull |
El trabajador | The worker |
El trabajo en equipo | The teamwork |
El transporte público | The public transport |
El tulipán | The tulip |
El turista | The tourist |
El uniforme | The uniform |
El viaje | The journey |
El vuelo | The flight |
El yoga | The yoga |
El zorro | The fox |
El águila | The eagle |
Elegir | To choose |
En los años | In the years |
En una hora | In an hour |
Enorme | Enormous |
Entrenar | To train |
Enviar | To send |
Equilibrado | Balanced |
Esperar | To wait |
Estar cansado | Being tired |
Estar lleno | To be full |
Este mes | This month |
Estirar | To stretch |
Facturar | To check in |
Falso | False |
Fascinante | Fascinating |
Firmar | To sign |
Flexible | Flexible |
Forestal | Forest |
Formar una familia | To start a family |
Fuerte | Strong |
Ganar | To win |
Ganar experiencia en | To gain experience in |
Gastar dinero | Spend money |
Graduarse | To graduate |
Hace poco | Recently |
Hace un rato | A little while ago |
Hace una media hora | About half an hour ago |
Hacer el check in | To check in |
Hacer el check out | To check out |
Hacer senderismo | Go hiking |
Hacer un curso | Take a course |
Hacer una reserva | To make a reservation |
Hacerse | To become |
Huir | To flee |
Ideal | Ideal |
Idealizar | To idealise |
Igualmente | Equally |
Imaginar | To imagine |
Imposible | Impossible |
Imprimir | To print |
Improbable | Improbable |
Incluido | Included |
Informar | To inform |
Interesante | Interesting |
Invitar | To invite |
Irse de vacaciones | To go on holiday |
La actriz | The actress |
La agencia de viajes | The travel agency |
La agenda | The diary |
La amapola | The poppy |
La amistad | Friendship |
La araña | The spider |
La azafata | The flight attendant |
La cabra | The goat |
La carrera | The career |
La carta | The letter |
La carta de presentación | The cover letter |
La cascada | The waterfall |
La cita | The appointment |
La comida rápida | Fast food |
La comunicación | The communication |
La conexión | The connection |
La contraoferta | The Counteroffer |
La despedida | The Farewell |
La devolución | The return |
La dieta | The diet |
La dirección | The address |
La discoteca | The nightclub |
La duda | The doubt |
La década | The decade |
La empresa | The company |
La entrada | The entrance |
La entrevista | The interview |
La especie | The species |
La esperanza | The hope |
La esposa | The wife |
La estrella | The star |
La excursión | The excursion |
La experiencia | The experience |
La firma | The signature |
La flexibilidad | The flexibility |
La floristería | The florist's |
La fotografía | The photograph |
La fuerza | The strength |
La gallina | The hen |
La gente | The people |
La gorra | The baseball cap |
La granja | The farm |
La habilidad | The ability |
La habitación doble | The double room |
La habitación individual | The single room |
La historia | The history |
La idea | The idea |
La imaginación | The imagination |
La impresora | The printer |
La infancia | The childhood |
La instrucción | The instruction |
La isla | The island |
La jirafa | The giraffe |
La llave | The key |
La luna | The moon |
La maleta | The suitcase |
La margarita | The daisy |
La mascota | The pet |
La media pensión | The half board |
La memoria | The memory |
La merienda | The snack |
La mochila | The backpack |
La moda | The fashion |
La montaña | The mountain |
La mosca | The fly |
La multinacional | The multinational |
La naturaleza | The nature |
La negociación | The negotiation |
La nostalgia | The nostalgia |
La notificación | The notification |
La novia | The girlfriend |
La oferta | The offer |
La oficina de turismo | The tourism office |
La orquídea | The orchid |
La oveja | The sheep |
La pareja | The couple |
La pareja | The couple |
La pensión completa | The full board |
La piscina | The swimming pool |
La plataforma | The platform |
La playa | The beach |
La posibilidad | The possibility |
La princesa | The princess |
La publicidad | The advertising |
La página web | The website |
La ración | The portion |
La recepción | The reception |
La relación | The relationship |
La responsabilidad | The responsibility |
La reunión | The meeting |
La ropa interior | The underwear |
La rosa | The rose |
La ruta | The route |
La rutina | The routine |
La sala de reuniones | The meeting room |
La salida | The exit |
La selva | The jungle |
La semana pasada | Last week |
La solución | The solution |
La sospecha | The suspicion |
La tarea | The task |
La tarjeta de crédito | The credit card |
La televisión | The television |
La toalla | The towel |
La tortilla | The Spanish omelette |
La vaca | The cow |
La vacante | The vacancy |
La videollamada | The video call |
La vista | The view |
La zona verde | The green zone |
La época | The era |
Las botas de montaña | Hiking boots |
Las croquetas | The croquettes |
Las gafas de sol | The sunglasses |
Las herramientas | The tools, The tool |
Las patatas bravas | The patatas bravas |
Las patatas fritas | The chips |
Las pesas | The weights |
Las prácticas | The internships |
Las tapas | The tapas |
Levantar | To lift |
Ligero | Light |
Llenar | To fill |
Los ahorros | The savings |
Los ejercicios | The exercises |
Los recursos humanos | The human resources |
Malo | Badly |
Mandar | To send |
Mejores amigos | Best friends |
Memorizar | To memorise |
Menos | Less |
Merendar | To have a snack |
Mirar un plano | Look at a map |
Misterioso | Mysterious |
Montar | To ride |
Montar en bici | Ride a bike |
Morir | To die |
Mostrar | To show |
Muchas veces | Often |
Más | More |
Negativo | Negative |
Negociar | To negotiate |
Notar | To notice |
Observar | To observe |
Oculto | Hidden |
Opinar | To opine |
Optimista | Optimistic |
Organizado | Organised |
Pasado | Past |
Pedir ayuda | Ask for help |
Pendiente | Pending |
Pensar | To think |
Perderse | To get lost |
Perdido | Lost |
Pesado | Heavy |
Pesarse | To weigh oneself |
Pisar | To step |
Planificar | To plan |
Plantar | To plant |
Ponerse | To put on |
Ponerse cómodo | To make yourself comfortable |
Por todo el mundo | All around the world |
Posible | Possible |
Positivo | Positive |
Preferido | Preferred |
Presencial | In-person |
Probable | Probable |
Probablemente | Probably |
Probar | To try |
Problemático | Problematic |
Próximo | Next |
Puntual | Punctual |
Querer ser | To want to be |
Quizás | Perhaps |
Realizado | Achieved |
Realizar | To accomplish |
Rechazar | To reject |
Recibir | To receive |
Regalar | To gift |
Registrarse | To register |
Relacionado | Related |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Remoto | Remote |
Reservado | Reserved |
Responsable | Responsible |
Rico | Rich |
Robar | To steal |
Romper | To break |
Roto | Broken |
Saber | To know |
Salir | To leave / to go out |
Salir con | Go out with |
Saludable | Healthy |
Salvaje | Wild |
Sano | Healthy |
Seguir | To follow |
Seleccionado | Selected |
Ser vegetariano | Being vegetarian |
Sin duda | Undoubtedly |
Solidario | Supportive |
Sospechoso | Suspicious |
Sostenible | Sustainable |
Soñar con | To dream of |
Subir | To climb |
Suponer | To suppose |
Supongo que | I suppose |
Suspender | To fail |
Tal vez | Maybe |
Te quiero | I love you |
Temporal | Temporary |
Tener clases de | To have classes of |
Tener experiencia en | To have experience in |
Tener planes | To have plans |
Típico | Typical |
Urgente | Urgent |
Venir | To come |
Verdadero | True |
Viajar | To travel |
Visitar | To visit |
Volver | To return |
África | Africa |
Útil | Useful |