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Spanish A2.12: On safari

En safari

Spanish A2.12: On safari

Learning goals:

  • Vocabulario sobre continentes y paisajes exóticos (Vocabulary about exotic continents and landscapes)
  • Los comparativos irregulares (Irregular Comparatives)
  • El desierto de Tabernas: el Hollywood español (The Tabernas Desert: the Spanish Hollywood)

Learning module 2 (A2): Naturaleza y medio ambiente (Nature and environment)

Recap exercises of the previous lesson

Teaching guidelines +/- 60 minutes

Core vocabulary (10)

 El desierto: The desert (Spanish)

El desierto africano es más interesante que la selva.

(The African desert is more interesting than the jungle.)

El desierto

(The desert)

 Alejarse (to move away) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo me alejo del grupo para respirar.

(I move away from the group to breathe.)


(To move away)

 La selva: The jungle (Spanish)

El elefante africano es el animal más grande en la selva.

(The African elephant is the largest animal in the jungle.)

La selva

(The jungle)

 África: Africa (Spanish)

Los elefantes de África son más grandes que los de otros continentes.

(African elephants are larger than those from other continents.)



 Africano: African (Spanish)

El desierto es un lugar africanísimo por su clima.

(The desert is an extremely African place because of its climate.)



 Salvaje: wild (Spanish)

El elefante es un animal salvaje.

(The elephant is a wild animal.)



 El elefante: The elephant (Spanish)

En África puedes ver el elefante africano salvaje.

(In Africa, you can see the wild African elephant.)

El elefante

(The elephant)

 El águila : The eagle (Spanish)

El águila es uno de los animales más interesantes del safari.

(The eagle is one of the most interesting animals on the safari.)

El águila

(The eagle)

 El buitre: The vulture (Spanish)

El buitre es uno de los animales más fascinantes del desierto africano.

(The vulture is one of the most fascinating animals in the African desert.)

El buitre

(The vulture)

 El búho: The owl (Spanish)

El búho es uno de los animales más misteriosos del desierto africano.

(The owl is one of the most mysterious animals of the African desert.)

El búho

(The owl)

Listening materials

Our listening materials implement the verbs, vocabulary and grammar topics of this lesson. Audio and video available!

Spanish A2.12.1 A safari in Africa

Pedro y Ana hablan sobre su safari en África. Comparan animales mientras recuerdan lo que vieron en la selva y el desierto.

(Pedro and Ana talk about their safari in Africa. They compare animals as they remember what they saw in the jungle and the desert.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A2.12.2 Irregular Comparatives

(Irregular comparatives in Spanish are adjectives that completely change their form when compared. Instead of adding "more" or "less" in front of the adjective, these adjectives have special forms.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A2.12.3 A Wild Adventure

Una aventura en África donde se ven animales salvajes como el elefante, el búho y el buitre. Comparan a los animales en la selva y el desierto.

(An adventure in Africa where you can see wild animals like the elephant, the owl, and the vulture. They compare the animals in the jungle and the desert.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Spanish A2.12.4 The Tabernas Desert: the Spanish Hollywood

El Desierto de Tabernas es famoso porque allí se han grabado muchas películas del Oeste. Es un lugar en Almería, España, conocido como el Hollywood europeo.

(The Tabernas Desert is famous because many Western films have been shot there. It is a place in Almería, Spain, known as the European Hollywood.)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Find the words

Instruction: Find the words, mark them and make sentences with the words.


African , To move away , The desert , The vulture , The jungle , The owl

e x m a l e j a r s e u g j b i v l a s e l v a s r u t q o e l b ú h o n p q v r x e l b u i t r e e a l x v i a f r i c a n o m w d r w k e l d e s i e r t o s k y


Score: 0/6

La selva (The jungle)
El buitre (The vulture)
Alejarse (To move away)
Africano (African)
El búho (The owl)
El desierto (The desert)

Exercise 2: Reorder sentences

Instruction: The words in these sentences have been shuffled! Sort them so that they make a valid sentence again and translate.

Show translation
1. para visitar | de viajes. | del olivo | Nosotros nos | la agencia | hemos alejado
Nosotros nos hemos alejado del olivo para visitar la agencia de viajes.
(We have moved away from the olive tree to visit the travel agency.)

Exercise 3: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. Nosotros nos hemos alejado del olivo para visitar la agencia de viajes.
We have moved away from the olive tree to visit the travel agency.

Exercise 4: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Translate and say the word out loud. Use the word in a sentence.

Show translation
1. El águila
(The eagle)
2. El búho
(The owl)
3. El desierto
(The desert)
4. Salvaje
5. Alejarse
(To move away)

Exercise 5: Conjugación verbal

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Ver (Pretérito perfecto, indicativo)

1. Tú ... a los elefantes en la selva.

Tú has visto a los elefantes en la selva.
(You have seen the elephants in the jungle.)

2. Yo ... a los águilas volando.

Yo he visto a los águilas volando.
(I have seen the eagles flying.)

3. Ellos ... a muchos animales durante sus vacaciones.

Ellos han visto a muchos animales durante sus vacaciones.
(They have seen many animals during their holidays.)

4. Él ... a todos los animales salvajes.

Él ha visto a todos los animales salvajes.
(He has seen all the wild animals.)

5. Nosotros ... a un búho por la noche.

Nosotros hemos visto a un búho por la noche.
(We have seen an owl at night.)

Exercise 6: Irregular Comparatives

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

menor, mayor, mejor, peor

1. Malo: El desierto es ... para los elefantes que la selva africana.

El desierto es peor para los elefantes que la selva africana.
(The desert is worse for the elephants than the African jungle.)

2. Malo: ¿Es el buitre salvaje ... en buscar comida que el águila?

¿Es el buitre salvaje peor en buscar comida que el águila?
(Is the wild vulture worse at finding food than the eagle?)

3. Grande: El elefante es el ... animal de todos los animales de la selva.

El elefante es el mayor animal de todos los animales de la selva.
(The elephant is the biggest animal of all the animals in the jungle.)

4. Bueno: El águila ve ... que el buitre.

El águila ve mejor que el buitre.
(The eagle sees better than the vulture.)

5. Bueno: La selva es ... para el águila que el desierto.

La selva es mejor para el águila que el desierto.
(The jungle is better for the eagle than the desert.)

6. Malo: El águila es ... volando bajo que el búho.

El águila es peor volando bajo que el búho.
(The eagle is worse at flying low than the owl.)

7. Grande: El águila es ... que el búho.

El águila es mayor que el búho.
(The eagle is bigger than the owl.)

8. Pequeño: El búho es ... que el águila pero vuela muy bien de noche.

El búho es menor que el águila pero vuela muy bien de noche.
(The owl is smaller than the eagle but flies very well at night.)

Exercise 7: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below and use it in a conversation or text.

1. We have moved away from the olive tree to visit the travel agency.
Nosotros nos hemos alejado del olivo para visitar la agencia de viajes.

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (10): Verbs: 1, Adjectives: 2, Nouns: 7,
Context vocabulary: 9

Spanish English
águila Eagle
Africano African
Africanos African
Alejan Move away
Alejarse To move away
Alejo I move away
Búhos Owls
El buitre The vulture
El búho The owl
El desierto The desert
El elefante The elephant
El águila The eagle
Elefantes Elephants
La selva The jungle
Salvaje Wild
Salvajes Wild
África Africa
Águila Eagle
Águilas Eagles

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Ver (to see)

Exercises and examples phrases

  • yo he visto I have seen
  • tú has visto You have seen
  • él/ella ha visto He has seen
  • nosotros/nosotras hemos visto we have seen
  • vosotros/vosotras habéis visto you have seen
  • ellos/ellas han visto They have seen

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct word, read the sentence out loud and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Ver (Pretérito perfecto, indicativo)

1. Tú ... a los elefantes en la selva.

Tú has visto a los elefantes en la selva.
(You have seen the elephants in the jungle.)

2. Yo ... a los águilas volando.

Yo he visto a los águilas volando.
(I have seen the eagles flying.)

3. Ellos ... a muchos animales durante sus vacaciones.

Ellos han visto a muchos animales durante sus vacaciones.
(They have seen many animals during their holidays.)

4. Él ... a todos los animales salvajes.

Él ha visto a todos los animales salvajes.
(He has seen all the wild animals.)

5. Nosotros ... a un búho por la noche.

Nosotros hemos visto a un búho por la noche.
(We have seen an owl at night.)