10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

Learning history and recap exercises: A1.4

It is assumed the student knows the vocabulary and grammar as listed on this page before following the current lesson.

Module 1: Presentarse (current)

Module: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

The word list of the current learning module is the most important to revise before following this lesson.

Spanish English
¿De dónde eres? Hello Ana! Where are you from?
Vivir Live
Vive Lives
Suiza Switzerland
Suecia Sweden
Región Region
Portugal Portugal
Polonia Poland
Noruega Norway
Nacer To be born
Los Países Bajos The Netherlands
La nacionalidad Nationality
La ciudad The city
La capital The capital
Italia Italy
Idiomas Languages
Francia France
Finlandia Finland
Español Spanish
España Spain
El país The country
El Reino Unido The United Kingdom
Dinamarca Denmark
Bélgica Belgium
Alemán German
Alemania Germany
¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name?
Un placer A pleasure
Te llamas Your name
Se presenta Pedro introduces himself in the class.
Presentarse Introduce oneself
Mucho gusto Nice to meet you!
Me llamo My name is
Llamo Call
Llamarse To be called
Llaman Call
La señora The lady
La chica The girl
Escribir To write
El señor The gentleman
El nombre The name
El chico The boy
El apodo The nickname
El apellido The last name
Dice Says
Decir To say
Apellidos Last names
Él He
¿Qué tal? How are you?
¿Cómo estás? How are you?
Yo I
Vosotros You all
Ustedes You (plural)
Usted You
Un placer A pleasure
Ser To be
Saludos Greetings
Nosotros We
Nosotras We (female)
Nos vemos See you
Hola Hello
Hasta luego See you later
Gracias Thank you
Estás Are you
Estoy I am
Estar To be
Encantado Pleased to meet you
Encantada Pleased to meet you.
Ellos They
Ellas They (feminine)
Ella She
Despedirse To say goodbye
Damos la mano We shake hands
Cómo estás When he greets someone, he asks: 'How are you?'
Buenos días Good morning
Buenas tardes Good afternoon
Buenas noches Good night
Besos Kisses
Adiós Goodbye