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Spanish A1.23.1 A fun party

A fun party with friends of different physical appearances.

Cuento corto: Una fiesta divertida

Una fiesta divertida con amigos de diferentes apariencias físicas.

Spanish A1.23.1 A fun party

A1 Spanish

Level: A1

Module 4: Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Lesson 23: Apariencia física (Physical appearance)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Text and translation

1. Hoy los amigos hacen una fiesta. Today the friends are having a party.
2. Vienen Carlos, María, Pedro y Ana. Carlos, María, Pedro, and Ana are coming.
3. Todos los amigos tienen una apariencia física muy diferente. All the friends have a very different physical appearance.
4. Carlos es un hombre alto. Carlos is a tall man.
5. Su pelo es corto y moreno. His hair is short and dark.
6. María es una mujer delgada. Hace mucho deporte. Maria is a slim woman. She does a lot of sport.
7. Ana es muy guapa y es pelirroja. Ana is very beautiful and is ginger-haired.
8. Las dos mujeres son bastante bajas. The two women are quite short.
9. Pedro tiene el pelo rubio. Pedro has blonde hair.
10. Él no es alto. He is not tall.
11. En la fiesta todos bailan y cantan. At the party, everyone dances and sings.
12. La fiesta es muy divertida. The party is very fun.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Cómo es el pelo de Carlos?
  2. What is Carlos's hair like?
  3. ¿Cómo es la aparencia física de Ana?
  4. What does Ana look like?
  5. ¿Qué hacen los amigos en la fiesta?
  6. What do the friends do at the party?
  7. Describe tu apariencia física.
  8. Describe your physical appearance.

Exercise 2:

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

pelirroja, bajas, rubio, deporte, alto

Carlos es un hombre ....
(Carlos is a tall man.)
María es una mujer delgada. Hace mucho ....
(María is a slim woman. She does a lot of sport.)
Pedro tiene el pelo ....
(Pedro has blonde hair.)
Las dos mujeres son bastante ....
(The two women are quite short.)
Ana es muy guapa y es ....
(Ana is very pretty and has red hair.)
Él no es ....
(He is not tall.)