Spanish B1 module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)
This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: B1
Learning goals:
- Un conjunto de herramientas prácticas para situaciones de la vida adulta. (A practical toolkit for life situations as an adult.)
- Oraciones subordinadas. (Subordinate clauses.)
Word list (88)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 22,
Adjectives: 14,
Adverbs: 3,
Nouns: 34,
Sentences / word combination: 8
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Adopción | Adoption |
Adoptar | To adopt |
Anticipado | Early |
Anulamente | Cancellationally |
Arreglar | To fix |
Automático | Automatic |
Besarse | To kiss |
Cancelar | To cancel |
Cobrar | To collect |
Confianza | Confidence |
Convivir | To live together |
Cotizar | To quote |
Demostrar | Demonstrate |
Educación | Upbringing |
Educar | To educate |
El accidente | The accident |
El cheque | The cheque |
El daño | The damage |
El desempleo | The unemployment |
El entrevistado | The interviewee |
El entrevistador | The interviewer |
El humor | The mood |
El matrimonio | Marriage |
El niño adoptado | The adopted child |
El optimismo | Optimism |
El padre soltero | The single father |
El paro | The unemployment |
El pesimismo | Pessimism |
El presupuesto | The budget |
El préstamo | The loan |
El recién nacido | The newborn |
El respeto | Respect |
El sentimiento | The feeling |
El servicio técnico | The technical service |
El sueldo | The salary |
El técnico | The technician |
Enamorado | In love |
Enamorarse | To fall in love |
Estable | Stable |
Estropeado | Broken |
Evidente | Obvious |
Femenino | Feminine |
Gastar | To spend |
Habilidades | Skills |
Inevitable | Essential |
Intentado | Tried |
Intentar | To try |
Invertir | To invest |
Jubilarse | To retire |
Juntos | Together |
La acción | The action |
La actitud | The attitude |
La búsqueda de trabajo | The job search |
La confianza | Trust |
La crisis | The crisis |
La cuenta | The account |
La demanda | The demand |
La disponibilidad | Availability |
La emergencia | The emergency |
La formación | The training |
La hipoteca | The mortgage |
La incorporación inmediata | The immediate incorporation |
La inversión | The investment |
La jubilación | Retirement |
La pareja de hecho | The civil partnership |
La pena | The pity |
La percepción | Perception |
La ruptura | The breakup |
La vida | Life |
Ligar | To pull |
Los intereses | The interests |
Masculino | Masculine |
Mensualmente | Monthly |
Obedecer | To obey |
Parejas de hecho | Civil partnerships |
Pedir perdón | To apologise |
Perder | To lose |
Ponerse | To put on |
Posiblemente | It might possibly |
Realista | Realistic |
Renovar | To renew |
Separados | Separated |
Simple | Straightforward |
Soltar | Let go of |
Soltero | Single |
Solteros | Single parents |
Soportar | To endure |
Tratar | To treat |