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Spanish A1.23.2 "Las Meninas" by Velázquez

'Las Meninas' by the painter Diego Velázquez is a famous painting that shows the Spanish court.

Cultura: "Las Meninas" de Velázquez

"'Las Meninas' del pintor Diego Velázquez es una pintura famosa que muestra a la corte española."

Spanish A1.23.2 "Las Meninas" by Velázquez

A1 Spanish History Spain

Level: A1

Module 4: Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Lesson 23: Apariencia física (Physical appearance)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Reading and listening exercise

"Las Meninas" es un cuadro famoso. Es pintado por Diego Velázquez en 1656. En el cuadro, vemos a la infanta Margarita. Es la niña baja, en el centro. Tiene el pelo rubio. También hay otros personajes. Por ejemplo, hay dos mujeres delgadas. Además, hay un perro un poco gordo. Velázquez también está en el cuadro. Es el hombre alto a la izquierda. El cuadro es muy interesante porque parece una foto, pero es una pintura. "Las Meninas" está en el Museo del Prado en Madrid.


"Las Meninas" is a famous painting. It was painted by Diego Velázquez in 1656. In the painting, we see the Infanta Margarita. She is the short girl in the center. She has blonde hair. There are also other characters. For example, there are two slim women. Additionally, there is a somewhat fat dog. Velázquez is also in the painting. He is the tall man on the left. The painting is very interesting because it looks like a photo, but it is a painting. "Las Meninas" is in the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Quién es el autor del cuadro?
  2. Who is the artist of the painting?
  3. ¿Cómo es el pelo de la infanta Margarita?
  4. What is the hair of the Princess Margarita like?
  5. ¿Por qué es interesante la pintura?
  6. Why is painting interesting?
  7. ¿Puedes describir a las otras personas del cuadro?
  8. Can you describe the other people in the painting?
  9. ¿Te gustan el arte de España?
  10. Do you like Spanish art?

Useful websites to study with your teacher

Discuss and read the following resources during your conversation classes.

  1. https://www.museodelprado.es/coleccion/obra-de-arte/las-meninas/9fdc7800-9ade-48b0-ab8b-edee94ea877f