10K+ students - 4.8/5

Self study Conversation classes Personalized learning path

Contagiado: Infected (Spanish)

Contagiado (Infected): translations and example sentences for all genders and cases.

 Contagiado: Infected (Spanish)

Adjetivos (Adjectives)

Level: A2

Module 3: El buen pasado (The good old past)

Lesson 19: Recuerdo cuando... (I remember when...)


  Masculine Feminine
  Singular Plural Singular Plural
Base word

Contagiado (infected)

Durante la pandemia, el perro de mi vecino estuvo contagiado. (During the pandemic, my neighbour's dog was infected.)

Contagiados (infected)

El mes pasado, varios niños estuvieron contagiados. (Last month, several children were infected.)

Contagiada (infected)

Ayer, la niña estuvo contagiada por el virus. (Yesterday, the girl was infected with the virus.)

Contagiadas (infected)

Las niñas estuvieron contagiadas la semana pasada. (The girls were ill last week.)


Más contagiado (more infected)

Después del evento, el gato parecía más contagiado que antes. (After the event, the cat seemed more infectious than before.)

Más contagiados (more infected)

Hoy en día, muchos adultos parecen más contagiados. (Nowadays, many adults seem more infected.)

Más contagiada (most infected)

Hoy, la señora parece más contagiada que antes. (Today, the lady seems more afflicted than before.)

Más contagiadas (more infected)

Hoy, las vecinas parecen más contagiadas. (Today, the neighbours seem more infected.)


Contagiadísimo (extremely infected)

Durante la pandemia, supe que mi perrito estuvo contagiadísimo. (During the pandemic, I found out that my little dog was very ill.)

Contagiadísimos (highly contagious)

Durante la pandemia, varios animales estuvieron contagiadísimos. (During the pandemic, several animals were absolutely infected.)

Contagiadísima (very contagious)

Durante la pandemia, mi perrita estuvo contagiadísima. (During the pandemic, my doggie was extremely contagious.)

Contagiadísimas (highly infected)

Durante la pandemia, las mascotas estuvieron contagiadísimas. (During the pandemic, the pets were extremely contagious.)


Contagiadito (a little infected)

El niño estuvo un poco contagiadito ayer. (The boy was a little sick yesterday.)

Contagiaditos (little infected ones)

Ayer, los bebés estuvieron un poco contagiaditos. (Yesterday, the babies were a bit contagious.)

Contagiadita (a little infected)

La bebé estuvo un poco contagiadita ayer. (The baby was a bit under the weather yesterday.)

Contagiaditas (little infected ones)

Las bebés estuvieron un poco contagiaditas ayer. (The babies were a bit poorly yesterday.)


Contagiadón (super infected)

El adulto notó que el perro estaba contagiadón. (The adult noticed that the dog was infected.)

Contagiadones (infected)

Muchos adolescentes estuvieron contagiadones debido al virus. (Many teenagers were infected due to the virus.)

Contagiadona (infected woman)

La adolescente estuvo contagiadona por el virus. (The teenager was infected by the virus.)

Contagiadonas (infected women)

Las adolescentes estuvieron contagiadonas por el virus. (The teenagers were infected by the virus.)