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Firmar (to sign) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Conjugation of firmar (to sign) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

 Firmar (to sign) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Learning materials that implement this verb:

Level: A2

Module 6: En el trabajo (At work)

Lesson 42: Entrevista de trabajo (Job interview)

Basic verb forms

Infinitivo (Infinitive) Gerundio (Gerund) Participio (Participle)
Firmar (to sign) Firmando (Signing) Firmado (Signed)

Firmar (to sign): Verb conjugation tables

Indicativo (Indicative) Subjuntivo (Subjunctive)


Spanish English
yo firmo I sign
tú firmas you sign
él/ella firma he/she signs
nosotros/nosotras firmamos we sign
vosotros/vosotras firmáis you sign
ellos/ellas firman They sign

Pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo he firmado I have signed
tú has firmado you have signed
él/ella ha firmado he/she has signed
nosotros/nosotras hemos firmado we have signed
vosotros/vosotras habéis firmado you have signed
ellos/ellas han firmado They have signed

Subjuntivo presente 

Spanish English
yo firme I sign
tú firmes you sign
él/ella firme he/she sign
nosotros/nosotras firmemos we sign
vosotros/vosotras firméis you sign
ellos/ellas firmen they sign

Subjuntivo pretérito perfecto 

Spanish English
yo haya firmado I have signed
tú hayas firmado you have signed
él/ella haya firmado he/she may have signed
nosotros/nosotras hayamos firmado we have signed
vosotros/vosotras hayáis firmado you have signed
ellos/ellas hayan firmado they have signed

Pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo firmaba I was signing
tú firmabas You were signing
él/ella firmaba he/she was signing
nosotros/nosotras firmábamos We were signing
vosotros/vosotras firmabais You (plural) signed
ellos/ellas firmaban They were signing

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo había firmado I had signed
tú habías firmado You had signed
él/ella había firmado he had signed
nosotros/nosotras habíamos firmado we had signed
vosotros/vosotras habíais firmado you had signed
ellos/ellas habían firmado They had signed

Subjuntivo pretérito imperfecto 

Spanish English
yo firmara/firmase I signed
tú firmaras/firmases You would sign
él/ella firmara/firmase he signed
nosotros/nosotras firmáramos/firmásemos we signed
vosotros/vosotras firmarais/firmaseis you signed
ellos/ellas firmaran/firmasen they signed

Subjuntivo pluscuamperfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiera/hubiese firmado I would have signed
tú hubieras/hubieses firmado you had signed
él/ella hubiera/hubiese firmado he/she would have signed
nosotros/nosotras hubiéramos/hubiésemos firmado We would have signed
vosotros/vosotras hubierais/hubieseis firmado You would have signed
ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen firmado They would have signed

Pretérito indefinido 

Spanish English
yo firmé I signed
tú firmaste You signed
él/ella firmó He/she signed
nosotros/nosotras firmamos We signed
vosotros/vosotras firmasteis you signed
ellos/ellas firmaron They signed

Pretérito anterior 

Spanish English
yo hube firmado I had signed
tú hubiste firmado You had signed
él/ella hubo firmado he/she had signed
nosotros/nosotras hubimos firmado we had signed
vosotros/vosotras hubisteis firmado you had signed
ellos/ellas hubieron firmado they had signed

Subjuntivo futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo firmare I will sign
tú firmares You will sign
él/ella firmare he/she will sign
nosotros/nosotras firmáremos we shall sign
vosotros/vosotras firmareis You all will sign
ellos/ellas firmaren they would sign

Subjuntivo futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo hubiere firmado I will have signed
tú hubieres firmado you will have signed
él/ella hubiere firmado he/she will have signed
nosotros/nosotras hubiéremos firmado we will have signed
vosotros/vosotras hubiereis firmado you will have signed
ellos/ellas hubieren firmado they will have signed

Futuro simple 

Spanish English
yo firmaré I will sign
tú firmarás You will sign
él/ella firmará he/she will sign
nosotros/nosotras firmaremos We will sign
vosotros/vosotras firmaréis You will sign
ellos/ellas firmarán They will sign

Futuro perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habré firmado I will have signed
tú habrás firmado You will have signed
él/ella habrá firmado he/she will have signed
nosotros/nosotras habremos firmado we will have signed
vosotros/vosotras habréis firmado you will have signed
ellos/ellas habrán firmado They will have signed
Imperativo (Imperative)


Spanish English
no aplica does not apply
Firma! Sign!
Firme! Let's sign
Firmemos! You sign!
Firmad! They sign

Imperativo negativo 

Spanish English
No firme! You do not sign!
No firmes! Don't sign!
No firme! You do not sign!
No firmemos! You do not sign
No firméis! Do not sign!

Condicional simple 

Spanish English
yo firmaría I would sign
tú firmarías You would sign
él/ella firmaría he/she would sign
nosotros/nosotras firmaríamos We would sign
vosotros/vosotras firmaríais You would sign
ellos/ellas firmarían They would sign

Condicional perfecto 

Spanish English
yo habría firmado I would have signed
tú habrías firmado You would have signed
él/ella habría firmado he would have signed
nosotros/nosotras habríamos firmado we would have signed
vosotros/vosotras habríais firmado you would have signed
ellos/ellas habrían firmado They would have signed

Present and future tenses: A1

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. You will sign the contract after applying.
Tú firmarás el contrato después de aplicar.
2. We will sign the return of the underwear.
Nosotros firmaremos la devolución de la ropa interior.
3. He signs the document at the hotel reception.
Él firma el documento en la recepción del hotel.
4. I will sign the solution tomorrow.
Yo firmaré la solución mañana.
5. They will sign the agreement to plant the sunflower.
Ellos firmarán el acuerdo para plantar el girasol.

Basic past tenses (A2/B1)

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Did you sign the document I sent you?
¿firmaste el documento que te mandé?
2. He has signed the agreement in the tourism office.
Ha firmado el acuerdo en la oficina de turismo.
3. You all have signed the return of the luggage.
Habéis firmado la devolución del equipaje.
4. We were signing the papers at the reception table.
Nosotros firmábamos los papeles en la mesa de la recepción.
5. I have signed the contract to travel.
He firmado el contrato para viajar.

Basic subjunctive exercises: B1

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

firmen, firmes, firmarais/firmaseis, firme, firmaran/firmasen

Dudo que ellos ... el contrato sin revisarlo.
(I doubt that they will sign the contract without reviewing it.)
Si ellos ... la solicitud, viajarían pronto.
(If they were to sign the application, they would travel soon.)
Si vosotros ... los papeles, ahorraríais tiempo.
(If you were to sign the papers, you would save time.)
Es posible que él ... el documento esta tarde.
(It is possible that he signs the document this afternoon.)
Es necesario que tú ... la solicitud antes de enviarla.
(It is necessary that you sign the application before sending it.)

Advanced exercises: C1/C2

Exercise: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. When I had signed the contract, I saved money.
Cuando hube firmado el contrato, ahorré dinero.
2. I would have signed the contract if I had had time.
Yo habría firmado el contrato si hubiera tenido tiempo.
3. If you had signed the document, the travel agency would know.
Si vosotros hubierais/hubieseis firmado el documento, la agencia de viajes lo sabría.
4. If he had signed, the return would be confirmed.
Si él hubiera/hubiese firmado, la devolución estaría confirmada.
5. If we had signed the agreement, we would still be saving.
Si hubiéramos/hubiésemos firmado el acuerdo, seguiríamos ahorrando.