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Spanish A1.2.2 Pedro introduces himself to the class.

Pedro introduces himself in front of his classmates in the class.

Cuento corto: Pedro se presenta en clase

Pedro se presenta delante de sus compañeros en la clase.

Spanish A1.2.2 Pedro introduces himself to the class.

A1 Spanish

Level: A1

Module 1: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Lesson 2: Decir tu nombre (Telling your name)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Text and translation

1. Pedro se presenta en la clase. Pedro introduces himself in class.
2. Dice: "¡Hola!" Dice: "Hello!"
3. Todos le saludan. Everyone greets him.
4. Él dice su nombre completo. He says his full name.
5. Dice: "Me llamo Pedro Pérez Rodríguez". He says: "My name is Pedro Pérez Rodríguez."
6. Tiene un apellido muy común en España. He has a very common surname in Spain.
7. Él dice su apodo a los compañeros. He tells his nickname to the classmates.
8. Sus amigos y familia le llaman Pedrito. His friends and family call him Pedrito.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Cuáles son los apellidos de Pedro?
  2. What are Pedro's last names?
  3. Verdadero / falso: "Pedro no tiene apodo".
  4. True / false: "Pedro has no nickname."
  5. ¿Cómo te presentas tú en español?
  6. How do you introduce yourself in Spanish?

Exercise 2:

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

nombre, llamo, Dice, se presenta, llaman, apellido

Sus amigos y familia le ... Pedrito.
(His friends and family call him Pedrito.)
Dice: "Me ... Pedro Pérez Rodríguez".
(He says: "My name is Pedro Pérez Rodríguez.")
Él dice su ... completo.
(He says his full name.)
...: "¡Hola!"
(He says: "Hello!")
Pedro ... en la clase.
(Pedro introduces himself in the class.)
Tiene un ... muy común en España.
(He has a very common surname in Spain.)