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Opinion verbs: creer, pensar, ...

Opinion verbs are used to express beliefs, thoughts, or personal judgments.

Gramática: Los verbos de opinión: creer, pensar, ...

B1 Spanish Verbs of opinion + subjuntivo/indicativo

Level: B1

Module 4: Estilo de vida saludable (Healthy lifestyle)

Lesson 24: Médicos especialistas (Specialisted doctors)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations

  1. Creer, pensar, opinar, parecer are used in the indicative when the opinion is certain.
  2. Creer, pensar, opinar, parecer are used in the subjunctive mood when they express doubt.
  3. The intensifiers absolutamente and totalmente are used to reinforce an opinion in indicative and subjunctive.
Creer, pensar, opinar, parecerIndicativoCreo que el fisio me ayudará a mejorar el dolor en la espalda. (I think the physio will help me improve the pain in my back.)
SubjuntivoNo creo que el cirujano haya recibido los resultados. (I do not think the surgeon has received the results.)


  1. Creer, opinar and pensar are subjunctive when used with negation.

Exercise 1: Opinion verbs: creer, pensar, ...

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

sea, tenga, esté, tiene, puede, haya, hizo

1. Opinar:
Opino que la clínica ... un ambiente muy profesional.
(I think the clinic has a very professional atmosphere.)
2. Pensar:
Pienso que no ... disponible el fisio hoy, ya que está muy ocupado.
(I think the physio might not be available today, as he is very busy.)
3. Creer:
Creo que el dentista ... resolver el problema con mis dientes.
(I think the dentist can solve the problem with my teeth.)
4. Parecer:
Me parece que el cirujano no ... revisado todos los informes médicos.
(I think that the surgeon might not have reviewed all the medical reports.)
5. Parecer:
Me parece que el especialista ... una reputación excelente en este campo.
(I think the specialist has an excellent reputation in this field.)
6. Opinar:
Opino totalmente que el médico de guardia ... bien en enviarme a urgencias.
(I completely believe that the on-call doctor was right to send me to the emergency room.)
7. Opinar:
No opino que el ginecólogo ... la mejor opción para mi tratamiento.
(I don't think the gynaecologist is the best option for my treatment.)
8. Creer:
No creo absolutamente que el médico de guardia ... la experiencia suficiente para tratar este caso.
(I absolutely don't believe that the doctor on duty has enough experience to handle this case.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.









I think that the physio is the best option to treat muscle pain.


