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The indirect object pronouns

Indirect object pronouns in Spanish are used to indicate to whom or for whom an action is performed.

Gramática: Los pronombres de objeto indirecto

A2 Spanish Indirect object pronouns

Level: A2

Module 6: En el trabajo (At work)

Lesson 42: Entrevista de trabajo (Job interview)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. Indirect object pronouns indicate for whom the action of the verb is performed.
  2. They go before the conjugated verb and attached to the infinitive or gerund.
  3. To clarify who you are referring to you can add “a mí, él, ella, usted, nosotros/-as, vosotros/-as, ellos/-as, ustedes”.
Me (Me)Juan me ha ayudado a encontrar un trabajo.
Te (You)Puedo mostrarte todos los beneficios en la multinacional. (I can show you all the benefits in the multinational company.)
Le (him)¿Le enviaste los detalles del contrato a Juan? (Did you send him the details of the contract to Juan?)
Nos (Us)Nos han preparado todos los documentos para firmar. (They have prepared all the documents for us to sign.)
Os (you)Os enviaron los detalles de la vacante disponible. (They sent you the details of the available vacancy.)
Les (Them)Van a enviarles los contratos para firmarlos mañana. (They are going to sendthem the contracts for signing tomorrow.)

Exercise 1: Los pronombres de objeto indirecto

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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Me, nos, Os, le, te, me

A María ... han dicho que el jefe no está disponible para la reunión.
(María has been told that the boss is not available for the meeting.)
... han dicho en los recursos humanos que tengo que firmar el contrato hoy.
(I have been told in human resources that I have to sign the contract today.)
¿No te parece muy bajo el salario que ... están dando?
(Doesn't the salary they are giving you seem very low to you?)
... han preparado los documentos que debéis presentar en la multinacional.
(They have prepared the documents for you that you must present at the multinational company.)
A nosotros ... están enviando la lista de requisitos para el evento.
(They are sending us the list of requirements for the event.)
Si quieres, ... ayudo a memorizar los nombres de tus jefes.
(If you want, I'll help you memorise the names of your bosses.)
El jefe ... subió el salario a Juan.
(The boss gave Juan a raise.)
A mí ... mostraron todos los beneficios cuando firmé el contrato.
(They showed me all the benefits when I signed the contract.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



They showed me all the benefits when I signed the contract.








