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Direct object pronouns

Direct object pronouns "lo, la, las, los" are used to replace a noun that directly receives the action of the verb.

Gramática: Los pronombres de objeto directo

A2 Spanish Direct object pronouns

Level: A2

Module 6: En el trabajo (At work)

Lesson 41: Buscando trabajo (Looking for a job)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. The direct object pronoun is attached to the infinitive: "Quiero aplicarlo"
  2. With the present perfect, the direct object pronoun is placed before the auxiliary "haber".
  3. The direct object pronoun must agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces.
Uso con verbos conjugadosElla envió el currículum ayer.  (She sent the CV yesterday.)
Ella lo envió ayer. (She sent it yesterday.)
Uso con infinitivosQuiero aplicar el certificado hoy. (I want to apply for the certificate today.)
Quiero aplicarlo hoy. (I want to apply it today.)
Uso con el pretérito perfectoHe enviado el diploma por correo. (I have sent the diploma by mail.)
Lo he enviado por correo. (I have sent it by post.)
ConcordanciaElla tiene experiencia (She has experience.)
Ella la tiene. (She has it.)
Él tiene los certificados preparados.  (He has the certificates prepared.)
Él los tiene preparados. (He has them ready.)

Exercise 1: Los pronombres de objeto directo

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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Las, Los, Lo, La, los, las

1. Las cartas de presentación:
Tengo que enviar... junto con el currículum.
(I have to send them along with the CV.)
2. Las experiencias:
... organizo de una manera clara en mi currículum.
(I organise them in a clear way in my CV.)
3. La carta de presentación:
... he recibido por el correo electrónico.
(I have received it by email.)
4. Los diplomas:
... selecciono como parte de mi currículum.
(I select them as part of my CV.)
5. El perfil:
... revisas para ver si está completo.
(You check it to see if it is complete.)
6. El currículum:
... han revisado varias veces antes de enviarlo.
(They have checked it several times before sending it.)
7. El diploma:
... preparas para la entrevista.
(You prepare him for the interview.)
8. Los certificado:
Ella quiere aplicar... en su perfil profesional.
(She wants to apply them in her professional profile.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.









I have received it by email.


