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Simple Future vs. Future Perfect: Morphology and Uses

Brief explanation of the use and morphology of the simple future and the future perfect.

Gramática: Futuro simple vs. futuro perfecto: morfología y usos

B1 Spanish Simple future vs perfect future: morphology and uses

Level: B1

Module 3: Sueños (Dreams)

Lesson 20: Tiempos felices y difíciles (Happy and difficult times)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. We use the simple future to talk about actions that will occur in the future, predictions, intentions, conjectures, and spontaneous decisions.
  2. We use the future perfect to talk about actions that will have already been completed before another future action and to make assumptions about the recent past.
  3. We form the future perfect with the verb "haber" in the simple future + the corresponding verb in the past participle.
Futuro simple Acciones futuras o prediccionesEl próximo año celebraremos el aniversario de la empresa con una gran fiesta. (Next year we will celebrate the company's anniversary with a big party.)
Suposiciones sobre presente o futuroLa despedida de soltero será una experiencia única y divertida. (The bachelor party will be a unique and fun experience.)
Futuro perfectoAcciones que se completarán antes de un punto específico en el futuro.Para la próxima semana ya habrán logrado la estabilidad laboral que tanto deseaban. (By next week they will have achieved the job stability they so desired.)
Suposiciones sobre el pasado recienteEs tarde seguramente habrán aprovechado el tiempo para organizar la boda. (It's late surely they will have taken advantage of the time to organize the wedding.)

Exercise 1: Futuro simple vs. futuro perfecto: morfología y usos

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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habremos celebrado, será, tendré, superaré, habremos logrado, habréis aprovechado, viviremos, habrán superado

1. Celebrar (futuro perfecto):
Para el próximo aniversario nosotros ya ... con toda la familia.
(By the next anniversary we will have already celebrated with the whole family.)
2. Lograr (futuro perfecto):
Para la próxima semana ya ... la estabilidad laboral que buscábamos.
(By next week we will have already achieved the job stability we were looking for.)
3. Vivir (futuro simple):
En la despedida de soltera mañana nosotros ... una experiencia inolvidable.
(At the bachelorette party tomorrow we will have an unforgettable experience.)
4. Superar (futuro simple):
El próximo año ... todos los obstáculos en mi carrera profesional.
(Next year I will overcome all obstacles in my professional career.)
5. Aprovechar (futuro perfecto):
Antes de la próxima reunión vosotros ya ... de la oferta de empleo que nos hicieron.
(Before the next meeting you will have already taken advantage of the job offer they made us.)
6. Tener (futuro simple):
El próximo semestre yo ... una vida menos complicada y más estable.
(Next semester I will have a less complicated and more stable life.)
7. Ser (futuro simple):
El nacimiento de su primer hijo ... un momento único en su vida.
(The birth of your first child will be a unique moment in your life.)
8. Superar (futuro perfecto):
Dentro de un mes mis amigos ... todas las dificultades del proyecto.
(In a month's time, my friends will have overcome all the challenges of the project.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


habremos logrado

we will have achieved



we will experience


habrán superado

they will have overcome


habréis aprovechado

you will have taken advantage of