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The impersonal pronoun "se"

The pronoun 'se' is used in impersonal sentences, reflexive passives, instructions, and general actions.

Gramática: El pronombre impersonal "se"

A2 Spanish The impersonal pronoun

Level: B2

Module 1: Ciudades: ¿selva o comunidad? (Cities: jungle or community?)

Lesson 7: Gestión de residuos y ecología (Waste management and ecology)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. 'Se' + verb in infinitive → giving instructions.
  2. 'Se' + verb in third person → indicate generalizations.
  3. In reflexives, 'se' removes the specific subject.
Ejemplo (Example)Uso (Use)
Se reciclan los envases. (Containers are recycled.)Pasiva refleja. (Reflexive passive)
Se debe reducir el uso de plástico. (The use of plastic should be reduced.)Norma general. (General rule.)
Se recomienda apagar las luces. (It is recommended to turn off the lights.)Consejo (Advice).
Se venden productos ecológicos. (Organic products are sold.)Uso impersonal. (Impersonal use.)
Se lavan las manos antes de comer. (Hands are washed before eating.)Reflexivo impersonal. (Impersonal reflexive.)


  1. In the passive reflexive, the verb agrees with the object.

Exercise 1: El pronombre impersonal "se"

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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Se compran, Se recicla, Se apaga, Se vive, Se compra, Se, Se ahorran, Se pueden

... reducen los residuos en esta empresa.
(Waste is reduced in this company.)
... recursos naturales cuando se recicla correctamente.
(Natural resources are saved when recycling is done correctly.)
... la luz cuando no se necesita para ahorrar energía.
(The light is turned off when it is not needed to save energy.)
... en casas más ecológicas para ahorrar energía.
(People live in more eco-friendly houses to save energy.)
... hacer pequeños cambios para ser más ecológico.
(Small changes can be made to be more eco-friendly.)
... mucha ropa de segunda mano.
(A lot of second-hand clothes are bought.)
... productos ecológicos en la tienda.
(Eco-friendly products are bought in the shop.)
... el papel en la escuela para ayudar al planeta.
(Paper is recycled at school to help the planet.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


Se vive

People live


Se ahorran

They are saved


Se buscan

They are looking for


Se apaga

It turns off