10K+ students - 4.8/5

Conversation courses Learning materials included Group or private lessons

B1.5.1 Spanish culture: Holy Week

B1.5.1 Spanish culture: Holy Week

A1 Spanish Celebrations Spain


Level: B1

Module 2: Del sueño a la realidad (From dream to reality)

Lesson 5: De la infancia a la realidad (From childhood to reality)

Learning history

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Original (Slow)
Original (Slow)
Self study (fast)
Self study (fast)
Self study (slow)
Self study (slow)

Semana Santa

Holy Week in Spain is a vibrant week of processions, music, and religious fervor, marking the Holy Week before Easter.

Reading and listening exercise

La Semana Santa es una celebración religiosa muy importante en España. Ocurre durante la última semana de Cuaresma, antes de la Pascua. Durante esta semana, hay desfiles religiosos en las calles de muchas ciudades españolas. La gente lleva imágenes religiosas y participa en procesiones. Es una tradición que une a las comunidades y permite a la gente expresar su fe.


Holy Week is a very important religious celebration in Spain. It occurs during the last week of Lent, before Easter. During this week, there are religious parades in the streets of many Spanish cities. People carry religious images and participate in processions. It is a tradition that unites communities and allows people to express their faith.

Exercise: Discussion questions

Instruction: Questions the teacher and students can discuss during conversation classes.

  1. ¿Has oído hablar de la Semana Santa en España? ¿Qué sabes?
  2. Have you heard about Holy Week in Spain? What do you know?
  3. ¿Te gustaría ver las procesiones de la Semana Santa? ¿Por qué?
  4. Would you like to see the Holy Week processions? Why?
  5. ¿Qué lleva la gente durante las procesiones?
  6. What do people wear during processions?
  7. ¿Cómo crees que la Semana Santa une a la gente en España?
  8. How do you think Holy Week brings people together in Spain?