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Spanish A2.4: At the airport and in the plane. - recap exercises

These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.

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These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.

Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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muerto, en frente de, dicho, Haced, aprecia

1. Morir:
Tranquila que nadie ha ....
(Calm down, nobody has died.)
2. Hacer (Vosotros):
... una lista de los alojamientos más bonitos.
(Make a list of the most beautiful accommodations.)
3. Decir:
¡Te he ... toda la verdad!
(I have told you the whole truth!)
Julian ... mucho a este artista.
(Julian really appreciates this artist.)
El parque infantil está ... la escuela.
(The playground is opposite the school.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La ropa interior

The underwear


La habitación individual

The single room


Hacer una reserva

To make a reservation



To confirm


El hostal

The hostel

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

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han quedado, habéis quedado, hemos quedado, he quedado, venga

Yo ... con mis amigos en el parque.
(I have met with my friends in the park.)
Nosotros ... para ver una película.
(We have met to watch a film.)
Ellos ... en el restaurante.
(They have met at the restaurant.)
¡... a la habitación ahora!
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Vosotros ... para cenar juntos.
(You all have met to have dinner together.)

Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. He metido las ropas interiores en la mochila.
I have put the underwear in the backpack.
2. Tú has deshecho el itinerario de la excursión desde temprano.
You have undone the excursion itinerary since early on.
3. He llenado la maleta con mi ropa interior y tu biquini.
I have packed the suitcase with my underwear and your bikini.
4. Reserva la media pensión y confirma tu alojamiento ya.
Book the half board and confirm your accommodation now.
5. Busquen los campings que tienen media pensión incluida.
Look for the campsites that include half board.